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Cash the check or not cash the check ....
送交者: coolboysomebody 2008月06月18日20:14:06 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: AA 制。请各位指点我该怎么做。谢谢!!!dean 于 2008-06-17 20:44:51
If you plan to cash the check, then you need to call them before hand, saying that we have received your check and thank you for having the dinner with us and we really had a good time.

If you do not plan to cash the check, then you need to mail the check back, saying in an attached note that it was our intention to invite your family for the dinner and we were pleased that you came and shared the good time with us.
  :-) That's why you are coolboy! /无内容 - 笑菡 06/19/08 (221)
    0 - 紫伊~ 07/18/08 (189)
      5 - 紫伊~ 07/18/08 (156)
  Good idea.Thank you Coolboysomebody! /无内容 - dean 06/18/08 (170)
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