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Check out the local statitics on the
送交者: JTL 2008月06月20日08:44:08 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我正在看资料,婴儿环切手术现在还有争议,男人梦中 于 2008-06-19 16:49:01
rate of circumcision. Boys will face peer-pressure on this one. If more than 80% of local boys had it done, take it seriously. I have seen teenage boys come back to hospital to have it done because of peer-pressure. In US, if they did not have it done during infancy, patients will have to pay the full amount if they want it done. We are talking about a lot of pain and discomfort for the teenage boy and easy $5,000 bill for the patient.

There is no clinically proven benefit on disease prevention for circumcision.

Wish there an't many local boys want it done in your area.
  Typo: "Patient" should be "parents" /无内容 - JTL 06/20/08 (201)
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