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加国学生怎样才能入读医学院 zt
送交者: jij 2010年06月01日09:11:21 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话

加国学生怎样才能入读医学院     zt




 2010-06-01 00:03:30




在麦吉尔大学医学院的网站上,写着这样的校训,“The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease.” 这句话首先说明了医生是一个同人打交道的职业。要成为一个好的医生,高的情商几乎和高的智商一样重要。这一点在麦吉尔大学医学院的入学要求中也重点强调了。每一个候选者都会被校方邀请到校面试,重点考察学生的个性特点。


Academic standards and essential skill

Applicants at McGill University Medical School are selected on their academic, personal and extracurricular dimensions. Applicants must have the intellectual, physical, and emotional capabilities to meet the requirements of the curriculum without altering the essential program elements. As a medical expert and communicator, the student must have abilities in the area of observation, communication, motor, intellectual-conceptual, integration and quantitation.


To communicate the student must be able to speak, write, hear and perceive non-verbal communication. A student must be able to communicate with effectively and sensitively with patients, families and any member of the health care team. S/he should be able to develop mature, sensitive and effective relationship with these individuals.


之所以将这些要求列出来,是因为这是华裔学生的弱点。华人孩子很多安静,内向,少言,不喜欢参加社会活动,更害怕跟人打交道,是学习勤奋认真的乖孩子,但在西方社会,这样的性格恰恰是最大的弱点。这里重视的是team work, 在任何一个工作场合,是不是一个好的communicator,都是职场生存的基本要素。









第一,学生在申请入读四年医学院之前,一定要在正规的学院或大学取得学士学位Bachelor Degree 并修满120个学分。至少需要3.5 cumulative grade point average(CGPA) on a 4 point system. 也就是说必须门门功课90分以上。



Minimum 6 credits of general/introductory Biology (生物)

Minimum 6 credits of general/introductory Chemistry (化学)

Minimum 6 credits of general/introductory Physics (物理)

Minimum 3 credits of introductory Organic Chemistry (有机化学)


Requirements completed at a pre-university program as part of advanced secondary or post-secondary studies may be accepted at the discretion of the Admission office.


University-level courses in biochemistry(生物化学), cell(细胞)and/or molecular biology(分子生物学), and statistics(统计学)are recommended, but are not required for admission.


第三,是Medical College Admission Test(MCAT)

Applicants must have taken the MCAT and authorized release of all results so as to have the official results received by the application deadline. Competitive applicants should have a minimum overall numeric score of 30, with no science section numerical score less than 9 and verbal reasoning section less than 8.





麦吉尔大学MDCM(Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery)四年学费如下,包括

Tuition,Society fees,Student/Service,Registration,Information Technology Charge, Copyright Fee, Class Notes, Insurance.

魁北克居民21412.92 加元,加拿大非魁北克永久居民和公民 45050.94 加元,国际学生 115966.16 加元。



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