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MY BEST DAY EVER!!!! (10岁的儿子写的, 呵呵)
送交者: laozhao 2012年10月15日07:39:18 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话


by Derek


I woke up in the morning and all my clothes were fresh and laundered. I took my best shirt and put it on.  Suddenly my phone rings. My mom picks it up. “Hello?” she says in Chinese. My mom and the other person have a big conversation. When they are finished, my mum turns over and briskly tells me that I am going to my friend's house before they drive us to Stampede Park, “I’ve never had a better start of the day like this,” I think happily as my mom drives me to my friends house!!! I knew that it was going to be the best day EVER!!!

When I got to the stampede park, I was starving!!! So my mom bought me a pizza and a chili-cheese dog. But it wasn’t just any pizza and chili-cheese dog, it was the MOST DELICIOUS BREAKFAST EVER!! Just touching it made me feel amazing!! The nice velvety bread, amazing chili pouring into my mouth after a scrumptious bite of nice JUICY MEAT and the pizza, oh yes, it definitely was nice. It had a fairly large amount of my favorite things! Black olives, pepperoni, ham, Italian sausage, and a lot of my favorite type of cheese!! It was a really nice cheese and it was so nice that it made my mom in such a good mood that she got the music that I wanted for my iPod! But let’s get back to our main topic, the Stampede Park. It had the tallest, most biggest rides                           E  V  E  R!!!! With the cheese dog and pizza at my side, I set off for the rides…

Dashing to the nearest ride I hopped on the nearest ride, I hopped on and looked around. It was the polar express! The polar express is basically a circle of spinning, made to make you dizzy. Once it started, you couldn’t get off even if you jumped!! In fact you couldn’t even jump! When it just started you thought it was just a small baby ride or something but then the guy said “WHO WANTS TO GO FOR 30 MPH?!?!?! We all screamed “NO, WE WANT 50 MILES PER HOUR” “Really?” he said happily. “50 MILES! 50 MILES!” We chanted loudly. As he changed the speed, we all screamed “WOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!” and then we couldn’t hold on to our seats or move! The wind and pressure were the only things moving us! Now you might think that many of us wanted to puke, or rather, I would want to puke because of the breakfast! I would say NO to that because the wind was whipping our faces and the air felt like winter, cooling our head down. But suddenly, the ride stopped. It was time to move on. After that amazing experience I went on the Crazy Mouse, the Super Slide, the Mini-coaster, the swings, and Niagara falls! but as the sky began to get dark, I knew that it was time to go home...

After we came home, we ate the best dinner we ever had!!!! When we went to the dining room, the delicious smell came and before I knew it, I was chomping away, eating a little bit of this and that, it was heaven in my mouth. My taste buds were jumping and when I finally, went to bed, my Mom has put warm water cushions on my bed resulting in extreme comfort. Looking back, I saw the huge Stampede Park, the delicious food, the rides, my music ringing in my ears and then finally my bed. It was the Superist Best Day EVER!!!

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