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送交者: csharp 2006年05月11日08:01:33 于 [七荤八素] 发送悄悄话

Mung bean starch

Also known as mung bean flour and green pea flour, misnomers for the fine white starch of the green mung bean. Although in no way related to green garden peas, in many parts of Asia the tiny bean with olive green skin (Phaseolus aureus, Vigna radiata) is referred to as green pea, hence the confusion and ambiguity for Westerners.

The starch is available in its natural (white) state or tinted pink or green, the colour only showing when water is added. If unavailable, arrowroot or cornflour is an adequate substitute. This starch is used to make transparent bean thread vermicelli, variously called cellophane noodles, jelly noodles, glass noodles and, even more poetically, spring rain noodles (a literal translation of their Japanese name, harusame). It is also used to produce bean starch sheets (see BEAN STARCH SHEETS).

Other Languages:
China: lue dau fen
Malaysia: tepung hoen kwe
Indonesia: tepung hoen kwe
Thailand: pang tua
Vietnam: bot dau xanh


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