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US FTXUS cryptocurrency trading platform course 1
送交者: 迷思 2022年07月17日16:52:44 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

US FTXUS cryptocurrency trading platform course 1

Many readers enjoyed the lessons here, especially the practical illustrations and the trading platform tools presented here. They hope to develop their own trading plans according to the lesson plan and use the convenient platform to participate in actual combat, so we strive to publish more platform knowledge and trading illustrations here every week for your reference.

FTX US Exchange is

Students and readers have enjoyed buying cryptocurrencies this year because it is the future of our time, buying and owning cryptocurrencies increases their wealth, and with 24/7 trading, it allows cryptocurrency traders to Profit 24/7.

The following information is for those who enjoy trying to hold and trade cryptocurrencies:

If you want to buy some cryptocurrencies, use the trading platform of the following FTXUS exchange, which is one of the best cryptocurrency platforms. Please use the link below (here our course account opening code: 46145947 can save you 5.0% off fees in future transaction fees! :)

You can directly click: FTXus account opening link

1 Why choose FTXus?

FTXus is one of the world's leading cryptocurrency exchanges, offering a wide range of products including spot trading, futures trading, leverage, tokenized stocks, derivatives**, options and NFT markets. FTX is committed to developing a platform that is powerful enough for professional trading firms and intuitive enough for first-time users.

FTXus has strong fundamental support. It has more than 5 million users since its launch in 2019. There are currently more than 200 cryptocurrencies that can be traded through the platform.

The user experience of FTXus is that the account opening process is simple and clear, as long as there is a photo ID, there is no country or region restriction; the account adopts the user password and mobile phone short certificate double-layer verification, which is as safe and reliable as a bank account; after opening an account, you can open VISA immediately debit card, so that the assets in the account can be used at any time, shopping, traveling, and daily consumption.

2. Why participate in cryptocurrency trading?

First of all, the perception of the world trend is: cryptocurrency is the fastest growing and innovative field; new concepts and new products emerge in an endless stream; early investors with professional knowledge have already gained exponentially.

Secondly, the development of cryptocurrency transactions in 2022 has already developed a mature ecosystem , which initially meets the investment needs of ordinary investors. The decentralized characteristics of cryptocurrency transactions are actually more popular among the public. Once you participate, you will never get back, and as long as it is a rational small investment , it will give people the joy of acquiring knowledge and benefits from the fastest growing field of our time .

Continue to introduce the next course: the current cryptocurrency ecosystem welcomes readers to pay attention

It's the weekend, let's play a piece of relax music after class: this is the music station that students like

Please click directly:  relax music 

Or enter the URL in the Google address bar 


Happy weekend

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