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you are a typical physicist
送交者: usedpen 2008月10月08日05:32:30 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: what's your logic?xi11west 于 2008-10-07 11:16:12
Well, I just use a simple example to illustrate the fundamental of the hoax of relativity theory. Of course, the reality should be a lot more complex than that. However, the fundamental points are right. Most people do not critically think about the relativity theory since they just accept what the deeply corrupted academia told them. A few know about the truth but they either have to make a living on that or dare not to yell out the truth. Some people even try to make up faked data to defend this hoax and help the cheating continue.

I think your logical ability must be very poor since you need to argument against my points and not just say my logical ability is poor since that won't make your own logic ability look better. By the way, I do not have to be a Jew to be "successful", my point is, academia is also controlled by jews and it would be a lot easier to be successful if you are a jew or become a jewish puppy dog, like what you are trying to do now.
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