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you lack analytical capability
送交者: kenn2003 2008月10月13日11:51:44 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: aa88:诺奖,牲畜,聪明人aa88 于 2008-10-09 23:49:35
you lack analytical capability

1. japan just recently start to show some momentum in nobels; japan has been an industrial nation for 100+ years, but far behind european nations in term of nobel per capita; go to wikipedia to get a basic picture

2. today's nobel works are typcially 1960s 1970s and 1980s, and nobelists typically are 60 years old and born 1940s; what was a situation in china in those times, and where were those capable chinese and what were they doing at the time?

to have a nobel, a nation must have a bunch of researchers on the top in the field, and to have a bunch of on the top, the nation must have a huge amount of researchers in the field and neighboring fields.

china is far behind yet. it won't surprise me if china can't get a nobel in the next 20 years.

in regards to the connection between nobel and intelligence, i woulk like to use the following contrast:

1. archimide, galieo, newton can't fly;
2. a stupid person like you can fly, flying from US to China and vice versa

think this example.

sigh, this is another example of poor chinese educational system: the products of that system lack anaylytical thinking.
  good point! aa88 idiotactually /无内容 - km 10/13/08 (203)
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