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Man, who will believe you if you cannot
送交者: keystone 2008月06月28日12:46:57 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 孔乙己續篇aa88 於 2008-06-28 00:34:55
your missing wife back? For a person without basic credit (you can even take care your family), nobody is going to trust you. You are done in this country, man!

We all understand why you hate Chinese so much, because your wife found a lover who is Chinese.

Let me suggest a way to revenge: you could go back China (if you have enough money to buy a round trip ticket, don't you?), try to charm a woman with your "non-Chinese citizenship", if you have any, and try to convince one of hookers to marry you.
  Sorry, correction.... - keystone 06/28/08 (196)
    keep it up! good practice  /無內容 - aa88 06/28/08 (171)
      Hehe, wish you learn better English - keystone 06/29/08 (219)
        我是越南人!  /無內容 - aa88 06/30/08 (145)
          我現在可以理解你對全體中國人的憤怒 - 5yuan 06/30/08 (134)
          那就等越南趕上中國,再來對中國指手畫腳吧。  /無內容 - zzzz2008 06/30/08 (146)
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