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it's hard to say which is bett
送交者: kenn2003 2008月12月13日21:16:28 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 言真轻: 汉字的本质缺陷言真轻 于 2008-12-12 12:04:45
phonetic or graphic? it's hard to say which is better

if i am not wrongk, english and russian are both phonetic, and chinese and koreans are both graphic

can a person only speak english immediately master russian?
can a person only speak chinese immediate master korean?

what's my point here?

my point is: no matter phonetic or graphic, you have to link what you hear & see to some meanings stored/to-be-stored in your brain; also, this means the shape or the sound of a word/character is something on the surface, the real thing is the meaning.

a fruit called apple in english is put on the table. the english guy sees an apple, the russian sees an apple, the chinese sees an apple, and the korean sees an apple. they all see the same apple.

and god didn't prescribe which name is the orthodoxical one for the apple. so, you have to link the apple to a name by yourself. so, they just call it differently.

now, it comes to the real question:

what's the percentage of the effort spent in linking, during your language study???

i would like to say, 99% time you spend in language learning --- if your goal is to master the language and use it fluently but not to be an artist of the language -- is on the linking.

therefore, all language are the same shit.

personally, i feel english much much much harder to learn than chinese, because:

for example, why is "apple" linked to the fruit we know?

there is no reason for it. it is defined! and the only way you can do is to REMEMBER it literally.

but in chinese, the character for apple clearly has a natural link to the fruit we are referring. so, it's much easier, isn't it???

in english, a BIG part of words are purely defined, and you have to spend your 1/5 of life to remeber. the you can start to use combination. in chinese, you spent much less time to remember, then you also use combination. so, which is easier?

now, you might want to say: english has sounds.

but, but, have you thought about this?: the sound is linked to a meaning, purely through DEFINITION. so, so, you again have to MEMORIZE it, and there is no the other way!!!

remember: a phonetic language does not mean its written form has a natural coonection to its sound.

so so so,
1. in term of graphics, chinese better than english to make links between you see and what the meaning; in english, you have to memorize the connection
2. in term of phonetics, in both chinese and english you have to memorize the definition to have a connection between sound and meaning.\

in short, the english is all about memorization. nothing else. that is why i regard it as the stupest language so far invented by human being.
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