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送交者: wtxwtx 2015月09月04日10:41:53 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 从信号处理的角度去理解思维和语言的关系拙文君 于 2015-08-18 17:27:40
一个搞文科的家伙,从来没有什么发现、发明和创造,居然要对数学家、物理学家、化学家如何进行发现、发明和创造搞个什么结论,这本身就是十分荒唐的。每个数学家、物理学家、化学家都是用他本身特有的语言进行思维的,不是人类的普通语言。不然,每人都是科学家了。他们特有的思维语言是不可能遗传的,也不是可以总结的。天体物理学家Stephen Hawking,最杰出的发现都是在失去语言能力的情况下取得的,与任何人都没有语言交流,这是对你的荒唐的结论:人类的语言。。和人类大脑。。,一一对应的荒唐结论的一记响亮的耳光。

Stephen Hawking's ability to make science understandable and compelling to a lay audience was established with the publication of his first book, A Brief History of Time, which has sold nearly 10 million copies in 40 languages. Hawking has authored or participated in the creation of numerous other popular science books, including The Universe in a Nutshell, A Briefer History of Time, On the Shoulders of Giants, The Illustrated On the Shoulders of Giants, and George's Secret Key to the Universe.

Hawking, the renowned Cambridge mathematician, teams up with Mlodinow, a physicist at Caltech, for a brief introduction to "the grand design" of the universe. If this project seems ambitious for a four and a half–hour audio production, it is; however, even general readers will be able to follow along as the authors guide us through M-theories, quantum mechanics, general and special relativity, and other mind-blowing cosmological discoveries of the last century. The goal of all these journeys through the history of science is to answer some basic questions: why is there a universe in the first place? What other universes may in fact be possible, given Richard Feynman's theory of multiple histories? The audio version of this book is simple and scaled down. Despite an engaging and capable performance by West End stage actor Steve West, some listeners might long for more content—diagrams or video tracks to accompany and augment the lecture.
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