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Gross Generalization
送交者: laotzi 2008月07月13日17:48:45 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: aa88:说说学英语aa88 于 2008-07-13 16:57:15
You are depicting a very bleak future for China. Although there is probably a large segment of Chinese population who blindly worship western things , there are also people in China who work very hard, who defend Chinese cultures/traditions, who don't kowtow to foreigners, etc. These people may be few and far between but they should be encouraged. By grossly generalization, you are doing a disservice to those people who care.
I understadn may be you are dispensing somewhat of a "shock" treatment to the state of events in China, I would like to challenge you to write about some positive events there. I for one would like to know what they are.Surely China can't be 100% bad.
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2006: 以无耻掩盖自卑的高丽棒子: 汉字是韩国
2006: 也谈清华和北大
2005: 出过多位诺贝尔奖获得者的中学
2005: 德国汉堡大学决定取消普京荣誉博士学位
2004: 杨小凯小传
2004: 二十年来中国学生的变化