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我欣赏大院读 hegel
送交者: 要饭花子 2009月03月21日12:24:09 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 大院儿别打岔。花子给你的那个问题是个经典。定理 于 2009-03-21 09:01:22
however, he does need to improve his logic reasoning. to that end, i suggest that he read tarski, godel, and even turing (whose proof of the undecidability of the halting problem and godel's first incompleteness theorem negatively answered hilbert's question). before understanding any philosophy, it is necessary to understand philosophy of mathematics. therefore i hasten to add russell and wittgenstein to that list.
  good list! did u read any? /无内容 - 空军大院 03/21/09 (395)
    you got the logic wrong again - 要饭花子 03/21/09 (319)
      i would be ur buddy if i lost - 空军大院 03/21/09 (334)
        怎么了, 对 hegel 的真理怀疑了? 哈哈 - 要饭花子 03/21/09 (317)
          thanks for the info - 空军大院 03/21/09 (286)
        summaries won't do. - 定理 03/21/09 (263)
          symbolic logic不是philosophy必修课么 - 要饭花子 03/21/09 (283)
            我不认为他受过正式的训练。 - 定理 03/21/09 (286)
              does Einstein have a phd? - 空军大院 03/21/09 (221)
                hah, you are so delusional. - 定理 03/21/09 (204)
              i think that he 淫过。 - 要饭花子 03/21/09 (274)
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