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you can't handle the truth too
送交者: 言真轻 2009月04月19日10:10:58 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 中国"笛卡尔"言痴说:"我看不懂,所以不存在"笪缑 于 2009-04-19 09:23:07
I am merely telling a truth, nothing but truth regardless if you can handle it or not. If you don't agree, you may name one to prove yourself. Is that simple and straight? You do not have to talk like a 6 year old kid. It only proves the otherwise. Your English is no better than a 6 year old kid and so is your reasoning. I don’t know what makes you so proud of yourself. If I were you majoring in English and spending my whole life to learn the damned thing I hate, I would rather shut up instead of barking around with nonsense.
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