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肖传国教授! 2004年,肖传国教授到他曾经大骂的中科院上海神经所给talk.

1. 肖/昏教授多年在网上透露关于自己的信息,起码有50%以上,是真实的。

2. 肖/昏教授是72-75年湖医的工农兵学员,资格之老,没想到!

3. 肖/昏教授真是NYU的副教授,一个最高学历是硕士的工农兵学员,不用读博,

4. 肖/昏教授同时拥有美国NIH一个2百50万美元的RO1 和中国973项目2千5百万
美学子,除了吴征,大概无人能比,牛B! 没想到!

5. 肖/昏教授的简历把正式文章,会议摘要,武医校刊和著书全列一块,如此

6. 肖/昏教授从七十年代初从事科研以来,凡二十五六年,三分之一时间睡行

7. 至2004年止,肖/昏教授是所有正式文章,会议摘要,武医校刊和著书的第

8. 肖/昏教授透露自己带的两个博士生已经成了教授,没有第一作者文章的博
士生,却当上了教授,牛! 没想到!

9. 网上的肖教授,批饶毅,批神经所,指点中国生命科学研究的江山,牛B轰

10. 肖/昏教授居然成了今年中科院院士候选人,没想到!肖/昏教授居然有今

中国院士的鼻子可以被Jack Lapides大奖被NIH的百万美元被秘尿学杂志牵着走,

CURRICULUM VITAE September 3, 2004
Name: Chuanguo Xiao, 肖传国 Male
E-mail: xiaoc01@med.nyu.edu Cellular: 13707136268

8/1988-12/1990 AUA Fellow, Neurourology & Reconstructive Urology
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA

8/1987 7/1988 Fellow, Institute of Urology,
University College London, UK

10/1978 10/1981 Tongji Medical University Graduate College
Dept.Urology, Union Hospital, Wuhan, P.R.China

2/1972 12/1975 Hubei Medical College, Wuhan, P.R.China

2001.1-Present Associate Professor
Department of Urology
New York University School of Medicine

1991.1-2001.12 Director of Urologic Research,
Director of New York Kidney Stone Center
Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn, NY

1997.6-Present Professor and Chairman, Department of Urology,
Director, Institute of Urology(2002-)
Tongji Medical University, P.R.China

1991.1-2000.12 Assistant Professor, Department of Urology
State University of NY HSC at Brooklyn,NY

1988.7 1990.12 Instructor in Urology and Neuroanatomy
Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, VA

1987.8 1988.7 "Sino British Exchange Scholar" in oncology,
Institute of Urology, University College London, U.K.

1981.9 1987.7 Attending Urologist & Lecturer, Department of Urology
Tongji Medical University, P.R.China

1978.9 1981.8 Resident and Chief Resident, Department of Urology,
Tongji Medical University, P.R.China

1976.1 1978.8 Resident, Department of Surgery, Puqi City General
Hospital, Hubei, China
1987: 湖北省卫生厅科技一等奖---第一完成人
1987 1988: Sino British Exchange Scholarship in UCL, UK
1988 1990: America Urological Association Fellowship in Neurourology
1993: Jack Lapides International Neurourology Award
2000: America Urological Association Achievement Award
2000: Jie-Pin Wu International Urological Award[吴阶平医学奖]
2000: 中国教育部自然科学一等奖---第一完成人]
2000: 湖北省自然科学一等奖—--第一完成人
2001: 中国国家科技进步二等奖---第一完成人
2001- 华中科技大学(同济医学院)特聘教授
2002: 何梁何利医药奖
2003: American Urology Association Lapides Grand Prize Award
Since 1993: NIH consultant(SAT group: Surgery, Anesthesia & Trauma)
Since 1992: Member of American Urological Association
Member of International Medical Society of Paraplegia
1991 -2000: Members of IACUC and Research Advisory Committee of the
Long Island College Hospital, SUNY

GRANTS (as Principal Investigator only)在美国的基金PI
1. Grant (IFR 89 15) from Eastern Virginia Medical School for "
Bladder reinnervation after spinal cord injury", $2,500 for one year.

2. Grant(SCRF830 01) xxxx Spinal Cord Research Foundation, Paralyzed
Veterans of America, for "Bladder reinnervation by anastomosis of L4
VR to L6 VR while leaving the intact L4 DR as starter of micturition".
$ 39,620 for one year (1990)

3. Grant (SCRF 946) from Spinal Cord Research Foundation, Paralyzed
Veterans of America, for " Skin CNS Bladder reflex pathway for
micturition after spinal cord injury". $45,680 (3/91 8/92)

4. Source: NIH (NIDDK) R01 DK 44877 01A1 (Animal study)
Title: Skin CNS Bladder reflex pathway for micturition.
Amount: $328,884 (direct costs)
Period: 12/1993 12/1997

5. Source: NIH (NIDDK) R01 DK 53063 01A2 (Human study)
Title: Skin CNS Bladder reflex pathway for micturition.
Amount: $2,423,082 (direct costs)
Period: 9/1999 9/2004

1997-2000: 卫生部重点项目:神经性膀胱新疗法的机理与临床研究— 60万(人民
1998-1999: 自然科学基金委: 人工体神经-内脏神经反射弧的机理 – 4万
1999-2002: 自然科学基金委全国重点项目: 人工体神经-内脏神经反射弧的机理
– 90万
2000-2003: 自然科学基金委杰出青年基金 – 80万
2003-2008: 973项目首席科学家: 神经损伤和功能重建的应用基础研究 2500万
PUBLICATIONS (As First and Corresponding author only)

1. Xiao CG., Du M., Li B., Liu Z. Chen M., Xue XN. Shapiro and Lepor H:
An Artificial Somatic-Autonomic Reflex Pathway Procedure for Spina
Bifida Children to Gain Bladder Control J. Urol. In Press.

2. Xiao CG., Du M., Dai C., Li B., Nitti WV. and de Groat WC.: An
artificial somatic-autonomic reflex pathway for controllable
micturition after SCI: Preliminary results of 15 patients. J. Urol.

3. Xiao, CG and Li, B: Retrograde neurotracing study on
skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway. Chn.J. Exp. Surg. 19:571-572,2002.

4. Xiao CG and Li, B: LM and EM study on ultra structures of foreign
nerve regeneration. Chn. J. Exp. Surg. 20:59-60,2003

5. Xiao CG., deGroat, WC., Godec CJ., Dai, C. and Xiao, Q.:
"Skin-CNS-Bladder" reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord
injury and its underlying mechanisms. J. Urol.162:936-942, 1999

6. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX., Dai, C., and Xiao, Q.,: A new
procedure to restore bladder functions after SCI: Preliminary report
on 14 patients. J.Urol. 159:304A, 1998

7. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX., Dai, C., and Xiao, Q.,: Complete
bladder function restoration by skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway
procedure in spinal cord injured patients. J. Urol. 157:1374A, 1997

8. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ., Du, MX.: Skin-CNS-Bladder reflex pathway for
micturition in spinal cord injury patients. Proceedings of the 48th
Annual Meeting of North Eastern Section American Urological Association,
Buffalo, New York. September 26-29, 1996.

9. Xiao CG. and Godec, CJ.: Mechanism underlying the Skin-CNS-Bladder
reflex pathway. Proceedings of the 1995 Annual Scientific Meeting of
the International Medical Society of Paraplegia, New Delhi, India. 2-4
November 1995

10. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ.: A "bi-bladder" model for study of cross
neural communication related to micturition. J. Urol. 153:262A, 1995

11. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ.: A possible new reflex pathway for
micturition after SCI. Paraplegia. 32(5):300 307, 1994

12. Xiao CG., Godec, CJ: Grunberger, I. and Macchia, RJ.: Skin CNS
Bladder reflex pathway for micturition after SCI in cat. J. Urol.
146:437A, 1992

13. Xiao CG., Schellhammer, PF., Castle, M., and Brothman, AR.: Effect
of MgCl2 on intracellular mitomycin C concentration. J. Urol. 145:66A,

14. Xiao, CG., Grunberger I., and Godec, CJ.: "Skin CNS Bladder"
reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury. (Abstract #749)
22nd Congress of Society of International Urology, November 3 7, 1991,
Sevilla, SPAIN

15. Xiao, CG., Schlossberg, SM., Morgan, CW. and Kodama R.: A possible
new reflex pathway for micturition after spinal cord injury. J. Urol.
143:356A, 1990.

16. Xiao, CG. and Masters, JRW.: Combined intravesical chemotherapy
with metal elements. J.Urol. 143:256A, 1990.

17. Xiao, CG. and Masters, JRW.: Spectrum of differential drug
sensitivities in vitro of a testicular germ cell tumor. British J.
Cancer 58:230, 1988.

18. Xiao, CG. and Xiong, XL.: Effect of trace elements on kinetics of
calcium oxalate crystallization. J. Tongji Med. Univ. 6:100, 1986

19. Xiao, CG.: Renal vascular hypertension in children: Etiology and
treatment. Chn.J.Kidney. 4:319 1987

20. Xiao, CG. and Xiong, XL.: Sr as a strong inhibitor of Calcium
oxalate crystallization in vitro and in vivo. Chn.J.Urol. 6:24 1987

21. Xiao, CG.: Mo and uric acid metabolism, a possible factor related
to urinary stone xxxxation. Clin.Urol. 2:11 1987

22. Xiao, CG, and Xiong, XL.: Research on trace elements for
urolithiatic inhibitors. Chn. J.Urol. 5:57 1986

23. Xiao, CG.,and Xiong, XL.: The role of Mg in Urolithiasis. Chn. J.
Exp. Surg. 1:23 1984

24. Xiao, CG. and Xiong, XL.: A study on the components, structure and
xxxxation of urinary stone. J.Wuhan Medical College, 2:175, 1982

25. Xiao, CG.:Advanced research on urolithiasis, Chapter 5 in ADVANCED
UROLOGY IN CHINA, by T.J.Mu, 1st Edition, Shanghai Science and
Technology press. Shanghai, 1988.

Xiao, CG.:`Urinary stone diseases', Chapter 6, `Renal vascular
hypertention', Chapter 10 ,in CLINICAL UROLOGY by Xiong, X.L., 2nd
Edition, Hubei People

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