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which position should I pick
送交者: neil 2008年08月02日13:17:14 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
I hope those wise people on this forum can help me out. I have two offers from two similar universities. One is associate professor with tenure. The other is full professor on tenure track and will be considered for tenure after two years of service. Which one do you think I should pick? I would like the full professor title (the second position) but worry about possible future trouble in getting tenure. Thanks for your input.
  Is there any "tenure-track" - clma 08/03/08 (336)
    Your understanding not correct - neil 08/03/08 (320)
      我要是你就不去。这是一种侮辱 - Figaro 08/03/08 (373)
        But it is university rule - neil 08/03/08 (299)
  If I were you I would pick the - Tse 08/02/08 (522)
    No, this is not for attracting - neil 08/02/08 (468)
      listen to your heart. you own - Tse 08/02/08 (420)
        thanks. Fair. I will take - neil 08/02/08 (373)
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