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Farmland sale: The end of CCP
送交者: xpt 2008年10月11日06:04:37 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
October 10, News "BEIJING — Chinese leaders are expected to allow peasants to buy or sell land-use rights for the first time, a step that could draw hundreds of millions of farmers more firmly into the market economy, now centered around the cities." - What it means: It means you can sale your land for $ - Who is the seller: The poor rural farmers with small patch of land - Who is the buyer: The large, privately owned housing developers, modern farming companies. - Who will be the loser: The farmers. They will sale their land for short-term profit, but lose their basic support for live. - Who will gain: Privately owned companies (housing development, faming companies, factories) and the government. Prediction: - The current CCP government and the system is so corrupted that the farmers will not have any chance to get a fair value for their land. But they will sale for just for short-term benefit. When a large fraction of the farmers lose their land and become homeless and jobless, China will reach the point of revolution. It will not take long.
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