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Sonnet 81 孔子过匡
送交者: 万尊 2009年03月26日15:04:10 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
Once to the low among states do you go, You are held such lowly a spectacle: They speak as if you were someone they knew, And in anger they put you on a show. O, sire, is there also an end in your world? O, sire, what if God's will were not foretold. So warm is the tick of many a heart, So real when we say till death do we part. You say things unfold as thereof we stand, We by you shall stand whereof we shall band. It is then we discover you are week, It is then traitors cheat, tweak, and freak. O Sire, as it turns out things are all right! O Sire, we dare to say Gods are on your side!
  Sonnet LXXXI, 好.  /无内容 - 要饭花子 03/26/09 (178)
    L 50 XXX 30 I 1  /无内容 - 万尊 03/26/09 (176)
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