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China's last Bastille
送交者: xpt 2009年05月02日20:25:13 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
Liberty and freedom are the highest achievements in human history. Liberty from the suppression and powerful and the state; liberty from the uncivil and human cruelty, liberty from the ignorance and bigotry, liberty from the injustice and indignity. Freedom of living the lives of one's desire, freedom of thinking and expression and belief, freedom of religion and association. It is a white lie that Chinese are not prepared and not used to freedom and democracy; it is a white lie that China has to wait for another hundred of years to enjoy freedom and liberty; It is a white lie that liberty and freedom have to be handed by the CCP; It is a white lie that the Chinese history for the next thousand years has to be written by a bandit party. China's future stand between the people and the party now, as that between the people the emperors for the last thousands of years. French revolution and American Revolution have already paved the way for the new era; There is nothing to recreate or to borrow or to take for Chinese. The only thing is to rise up and tear down the new Bastille!
  the last option if necessary - 空军大院 05/02/09 (179)
  狗屁不通!  /无内容 - aa88 05/02/09 (136)
  watch this and dream on :-) - 欧阳山甲 05/02/09 (260)
    u r lucjy to see this - xpt 05/02/09 (197)
  我倒支持共党的开明统治,如果 - 基甸恩典 05/02/09 (352)
      正常情况下,警察对内,军队对外,武警干啥的? - 基甸恩典 05/02/09 (202)
        武警管抗震救灾,嘿嘿  /无内容 - 欧阳山甲 05/02/09 (157)
    Now you chose another God, man - xpt 05/02/09 (271)
      只有上帝才能改变人心 - 基甸恩典 05/02/09 (327)
        but you willing to kneel befor - xpt 05/02/09 (274)
          don't u afraid of Jusus - xpt 05/02/09 (266)
            要顺服在上掌权的,没有权力不是出于神 - 基甸恩典 05/02/09 (273)
              Hitler's and Stalin's too?  /无内容 - xpt 05/02/09 (254)
                若论政治权力,那我的理解是“是的” - 基甸恩典 05/02/09 (212)
                  Do you know that you need - xpt 05/02/09 (224)
                you have a problem with bible?  /无内容 - 欧阳山甲 05/02/09 (254)
                  do I have problem with the Bib - xpt 05/02/09 (193)
                u need to talk to your father - xpt 05/02/09 (260)
                  基督教不要掺合在任何政治事务中,基督徒可以 - 基甸恩典 05/02/09 (192)
                  give up your freedom now?  /无内容 - 欧阳山甲 05/02/09 (222)
                    have i given up my freedom?  /无内容 - xpt 05/02/09 (191)
      知识分子的责任是说服而不是强迫人民自由 - 基甸恩典 05/02/09 (176)
      从内部逐步转型接轨。当然同时要防止买办和国贼。  /无内容 - 鲜卑贺葛氏 05/02/09 (250)
        u will be a busy man :-))  /无内容 - xpt 05/02/09 (218)
          like a plumber  /无内容 - xpt 05/02/09 (214)
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