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送交者: pzzdm.com 2010年09月28日19:31:24 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

Although I do not read or speak Chinese, I have had access to an English version of Fang's article, translated by an independent source. We believe that Fang's article would not be considered acceptable journalism in the United States. He did not give the names of the researchers who carried out theresearch or the journal in which it was published, nor did he include quotes from other scientists. All these aspects would be essential for a journalistic article in a US publication.

However, a charge of plagiarism would be difficult to uphold since Fang did say the work was performed by researchers at Princeton University, and--unless the translation I have is wrong--he neither implied that the work was his own by witing in the first person nor directly copied the language in the Science paper.

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