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送交者: 香椿树 2010年12月12日08:09:34 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

方舟子声称这个专利是他收入的主要来源, 我看很可能是谎话。 原因有三个:

1。 专利有四个发明人, 方舟子为最后一名, 一个共同发明的专利里边有主导者,出钱者,也有刷瓶子的。 舟子该解释一下自己到底是属于哪一类? 

2。 这个专利为研究开启了一个思路, 但是绝对没有到出成品的阶段, 如果购买专利者一次性买断还是连续付费价钱都不会太高。

3。 看样子舟子当时是在私人公司做博士后, 这样这个专利很可能属于公司而不是他自己。 我了解的情况, 大公司研究主人每年申请的专利超过10项, 好的公司给200元一次性奖励(5年前价格), 分成是一分钱都拿不到。 

那么, 方舟子下边一段说辞是不是比叶女孩总统奖要无耻的多的谎言? 不管杂说叶牛皮并不是无中生有, 只不过暗示了总统奖的稀有程度。

非但舟子这里造假, 除了这个属于公司的专利, 并且是还没有卖出去的(猜测, 这个专利属于防御性专利), 方舟子查不到其他科研成果, 这个知名科学家恐怕是更大的谎言。  


United States Patent 6,270,956

   Jones , et al. August 7, 2001

   Translational coactivator that interacts with Tat protein and regulates its binding to TAR RNA, methods for modulating Tat transactivation, and uses therefor


In accordance with the present invention, a host cell protein has been discovered which regulates Tat transactivation. The protein is the first discovered constituent of the TAK/TEFb complex which associates with the HIV Tat, via divalent cation metals, and is necessary for the binding of Tat to TAR RNA. This protein, cyclin T1, is an 87 kDa cyclin partner for the PITALRE kinase. It is further discovered that Tat must interact with TAK in order to bind to TAR RNA with affinity and with the appropriate sequence specificity that is observed in vivo. In accordance with another aspect of the invention, xulations useful for modulation of Tat transactivation have been developed. In addition, assays have been developed for the identification of compounds useful to modulate the above-described processes.

   Inventors: Jones; Katherine A. (Encinitas, CA), Wei; Ping (Brookeville, MD), Garber; Mitchell (Woodland Hills, CA), Fang; Shi-Min (San Diego, CA)

   Assignee: The Salk Institute for Biological Studies (La Jolla, CA)

   Appl. No.: 09/126,980

   Filed: July 30, 1998

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