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送交者: ilovecnm 2012年04月12日00:37:42 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话

上次ZT了:PRL申诉:最后一搏 http://bbs.creaders.net/education/bbsviewer.php?trd_id=691928

现在作者报道“最后一搏”有了结果:“悲催的投稿过程,终于修成正果”。很少看到向总编辑(Edior-in-Chief)appeal 后还能在PR上发表,能量真不小。祝贺他们的成功。


: 标  题: 悲催的投稿过程,终于修成正果
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Mon Apr  9 23:28:25 2012), 站内
: 先投PRL,两轮审稿,两轮申诉,最终被拒。心有不甘,没做任何修改转到PR快讯,被审稿人强烈鄙视,找了个茬要求强烈据稿。继续上诉,遇到一个内行的编委稍微松动了一下,说major revision后送第四个审稿人。今天收到第四个审稿人意见,结论是“should be published in PR”,提了几点很专业的意见,原则上小修后通过。
: 去年一直走背运,但过了年以来运气相当的顺,去年10月投的另一篇PRL在局面相当不利的情况下居然挽回败局,过了年后顺利被接受发表,另一篇PR也原则上小修后通过。
: 悲催的审稿过程
: 09Apr12         Editorial decision and/or referee comments sent to author
: 19Mar12 05Apr12 Review request to referee; report received
: 03Apr12         Reminder to referee [others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals]
: 15Mar12         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 18Jan12 15Mar12 Ed. decision and/or ref. comments to author; response rcvd
: 05Jan12 17Jan12 Sent on appeal; report received
: 28Dec11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 21Dec11 28Dec11 Ed. decision and/or ref. comments to author; response rcvd
: 27Dec11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
:         22Dec11 Communication (miscellaneous) received from author
: 15Nov11 20Dec11 Review request to referee; report received
: 29Nov11         Reminder to referee [others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals]
: 15Nov11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 14Nov11         Acknowledgment sent to author
: 14Nov11         Transferred from PRL to PRA
: 07Nov11 12Nov11 Ed. decision and/or ref. comments to author; response rcvd
: 17Oct11 07Nov11 Sent on appeal; report received
: 07Nov11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 17Oct11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
:         17Oct11 Communication (miscellaneous) received from author
: 17Oct11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 14Oct11 15Oct11 Ed. decision and/or ref. comments to author; response rcvd
: 06Oct11 14Oct11 Sent on appeal; report received
: 06Oct11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 03Oct11 06Oct11 Ed. decision and/or ref. comments to author; response rcvd
: 24Aug11 03Oct11 Review request to referee; editor concludes response unlikely
: 24Aug11 07Sep11 Review request to referee; report received
: 07Sep11         Reminder to referee [others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals]
: 07Sep11         Reminder to referee [others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals]
: 22Aug11 23Aug11 Correspondence sent to author; response received
: 15Aug11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 19Jul11 15Aug11 Ed. decision and/or ref. comments to author; response rcvd
: 21Jun11 19Jul11 Review request to referee; report received
: 21Jun11 05Jul11 Review request to referee; report received
: 05Jul11         Reminder to referee [others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals]
: 05Jul11         Reminder to referee [others sent (not shown) at 1-2 week intervals]
: 21Jun11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 21Jun11         Right to publish signature received
: 21Jun11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author
: 21Jun11         Acknowledgment sent to author
: 20Jun11         Correspondence (miscellaneous) sent to author


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