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送交者: xpt 2012年05月19日07:00:29 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话
What did Chen left behind 陈光诚留下了什么?

Finally Mr. Chen left China,after a slew of dazzling stunts that you can only see in James Bond's movie.

More interesting is what he left behind. Of course, he left China, a beloved country that he thought deserves better. But there are more:

His action tells Chinese that the safest place in China is the American Embassy and the safest place on earth is America! (在中国最安全的地方是美国使馆;在地球上最安全的地方是美国)

Ironically, he is not the first person who realized this; In fact, his persecutors and enemies have realized this way before him. That's why they send their children, wives, mistress, and even themselves to America.

If you ask any person with a functioning brain about this, they would say it is crazy and China is crazy.

Hi, in fact, it is normal in China. The Chinese are still loving their mother-country to death, or at least from their mouth.
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