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送交者: xyz12345 2013年06月20日11:23:53 于 [教育学术] 发送悄悄话



Why the Speed of Light Is Not a Constant

Paul Smeulders

Sutton Courtenay, UK

Email: paul.smeulders@btinternet.com

Received February 12, 2012; revised March 16, 2012; accepted March 25, 2012


A variable Speed of Light is supported by the fact that all direct measurements of that speed are basically flawed, be- cause the "meter per second" is proportional to the Speed of Light. Since it is impossible to measure the Speed of Light directly, any variations of it can only be obtained in an indirect way. It will be shown that the recent Supernovae data are in very good agreement with a universe that is slowly expanding exponentially with a Speed of Light that falls over time, inversely proportionally to the expansion of the universe. It will be shown that the definition of the angular and standard impulse momentum has to be modified to get a consistent expansion of the universe. And that all clocks run inversely proportionally to the red-shift z + 1. General Relativity remains valid even with a varying Speed of Light and also Quantum Mechanics is unaffected.

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