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Open letter to David Kilgour a
送交者: 洗香香 2014月08月14日23:52:47 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Israeli MPs apologize for comm洗香香 于 2014-08-14 23:49:29

(Backgournder on David Kilgour, David Matas, and their affiliation with Falun Gong's political lobby, CIPFG.)

Dear Mr. Kilgour, Mr. Matas:

While China's human rights record should be examined, I would like to urge you to look into all the facts of the case regarding the organ harvesting allegation made by the relgious sect Falun Gong.

In my opinion Falun Gong's actions not only discredited their own cause, they also detracted from honest examination ofChina's problems. Falun Gong's vivisection indictment muddled the rational discussion of issues such as Chinese society's moral, ethical standards on dignity and treatment of the condemned.

It is in this spirit I would like to bring to your attention some contrarian facts:

-USState Department's undercover investigation found Falun Gong's Sujiatun/Auschwitz allegation not credible. [1]

- AUSCongressional brief critical ofChinaquestioned the veracity of Falun Gong's claim of genocide and credibility of Kilgour/Matas report. [2]

- Independent investigation by long time Chinese dissident Harry Wu found Falun Gong's claim, and its witnesses, unverifiable. [3]

- The Ottawa Citizen published a report on the veracity of Falun Gong's organ harvesting allegation, and credibility of the Kilgour report. [4]

- The gory photo admitted as evidence by Falun Gong is not evidence of vivisection. Specifically, photo of Mr. Wang Bin in the Kilgour/Matas report, Appendix 20 Case 1.

A pathologist review contradicted Falun Gong's claim. [5] Even according to Falun Gong's own reporting, an autopsy was performed as part of Mr. Wang's murder investigation held by local authority. [6]

Another photo that is widely mis-used by Falun Gong is of Mr. Liu Yufeng, it too does not prove vivisection.

In reality these photos are medical in nature, and are not evidence of atrocity. For example Falun Gong used a photo of breast cancer to support their "sexual torture" allegation. This story ran for two years before a physician blogger noticed the misrepresentation. [7]

In conclusion, writing an allegory of "Schindler's List" is not the way to examineChina's human rights record. If we can not be precise with our accusation, only resort of nefarious indictment - why should anyone take the issue seriously?


Charles Liu

Community Activist



1) http://usinfo.state.gov/xarchives/display.html?p=washfile-english&y=2006&m=April&x=20060416141157uhyggep0.5443231&t=livefeeds/wf-latest.html 

http://www.usembassy.it/pdf/other/RL33437.pdf  (section CRS-7)

2) "The Collateral of Suppression", a brief written for Senator Dianne Feinstein, member of US Congressional Executive Commission on China (CECC), where congressional researchers Emma Ashburn and Thomas Lum were quoted.

3) http://www.cicus.org/info_eng/artshow.asp?ID=6491 

4) http://www.canada.com/ottawacitizen/news/observer/story.html?id=2c15d2f0-f0ab-4da9-991a-23e4094de949&p=3  (page 3, 4)

5) Review by Dr. Friedlander ofKansas CityUniversitySchoolof Medicine, Pathology Dept. The photo exhibited 'Y' incisions in the neck and baseball stitch sutures, which are typical of autopsy. The fact organ removal by medical examiner during autopsy is routine, is omitted.

6) http://clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2000/11/16/6164.html 

7) Review by Dr. Ramana: http://rambodoc.wordpress.com/2007/09/17/is-the-falun-gong-going-wrong 

Original text: http://blog.foolsmountain.com/2008/10/06/open-letter-to-david-kilgour-and-david-matas-on-falun-gong-and-organ-harvesting/ 

(Foolsmountain.com, Monday, October 6, 2008)

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