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nice lines from love actually
送交者: gardenia 2003年11月27日15:35:19 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

Memorable Quotes from
Love Actually (2003)

Page 12 of 29

[From Trailer]
Prime Minister: When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know, none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love.

Sam: The only thing about romance is that people only get together right at the very end.

Daniel: Tell her that you love her. You've got nothing to lose, and you'll always regret it if you don't.

Karen: True love lasts a lifetime.

Karen: Would you stay, knowing that life would be a bit worse? or would you cut and run?

Juliet: We've never got friendly. I just wanted to say I hope that can change. I'm nice, I really am, apart from my terrible taste in pie. And it would be great if we could be friends.

Karl: Life is full of interruptions and complications.

Mia: I'll just be around the mistletoe, hoping to be kissed.

Colin: I'm on Shag Highway heading West!

Billy Mack: Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.

[on sheets of poster board]
Mark: With any luck by next year
Mark: I'll be going out with one of these girls.
[pictures of beautiful supermodels]
Mark: But for now, let me say
Mark: Without hope or agenda
Mark: Just because it's Christmas
Mark: (And at Christmas you tell the truth)
Mark: To me, you are perfect
Mark: And my wasted heart will love you
Mark: Until you look like this
[picture of mummy]
Mark: Merry Christmas

Mark: To me, you are perfect.

Daniel: So what's the problem, Sammy-o? maybe...school - are you being bullied? or is it, I don't know - something worse? Can you give me any clues at all?
Sam: You really want to know?
Daniel: I really want to know.
Sam: Even though you won't be able to do anything to help?
Daniel: Even if that's the case.
Sam: OK. The truth is... I'm in love.
Daniel: Sorry?
Sam: The truth is I'm in love and there's nothing I can do about it, and it just keeps getting worse.
Daniel: (Laughs) Aren't you a bit young to be in love?
Sam: No.
Daniel: [properly chastised] Oh, OK, right. Well, I can't deny it. I'm a little relieved.
Sam: Why?
Daniel: Well, you know - I thought it might be something worse. Sam
Daniel: Worse then the total agony of being in love?
Daniel: [thinks- long pause -realizes] Oh. Yeah, you're right. Total agony.

Billy Mack: Christmas is the time to be with the ones you love.

Harry: Tell me, exactly, how long it is that you've been working here?
Sarah: Two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, what, two hours?
Harry: Right. And how long have you been in love with Karl?
Sarah: Sorry?
Harry: How long have you been in love with Karl, our enigmatic chief designer?
Sarah: Ahm, two years, seven months, three days and, I suppose, and hour and thirty minutes.
Harry: I thought as much.
Sarah: Do you think everybody knows?
Harry: Yes.
Sarah: Do you think Karl knows?
Harry: Yes.
Sarah: That is bad news.
Harry: I just think perhaps now is the time to do something about it.
Sarah: Right. What sort of thing did you have in mind?
Harry: How about ask him for a drink, and then maybe after twenty minutes casually slip into the conversation the fact that you love him totally and would like to marry him and have lots of sex and babies.
Sarah: You know that?
Harry: Yes. And so does Karl. Think about it. For all our sakes.
Sarah: Certainly. Excellent. Will do. Thanks, boss.

Billy Mack: And without knowing it, I've spent most of my adult life with a chubby employee!

Billy Mack: When I was young, I was greedy and foolish, and now I'm left with no one. Wrinkled and alone.

Karen: You mean there was more than one lobster present at the birth of Jesus?

Billy Mack: Kids, this is a message from your Uncle Billy. Don't buy drugs. Wait until you're a rock star, and they give them to you for free!

Ant: So Billy, I believe you've brought a prize for one lucky viewer.
Billy Mack: Yes, Ant or Dec. I've got this fabulous, personalized felt pen!

Prime Minister: We are a nation of... Harry Potter!

[Natalie, a servant, is greeting the Prime Minister]
Natalie: Hello, David. Oh, ????, I can't believe I just did that. Oh and now I've gone and said "????" - twice.
Prime Minister: Well, at least you didn't say "????", right?
Natalie: I just knew that I was going to ???? up my first day.

Jamie: It's my favorite time of day, driving you.
Aurelia: [in Portuguese] It is the saddest part of my day, leaving you.

Daniel: You've never seen the film, kiddo. It ain't over 'til it's over.

Sam: Girls love musicians, don't they? Even the really weird ones get girlfriends.

Sam: She doesn't even know my name. And even if she did she'd despise me. She's the coolest girl in school and everyone worships her because she's heaven.

Colin: American girls would seriously dig me with my cute British accent.

Sam: Let us go get the ???? kicked out of us by love.

Natalie: He says no one's going to fancy a girl with thighs the size of big tree trunks. Not a nice guy, actually, in the end.
Prime Minister: Right. Goodness. Well, well. You know, being Prime Minister, I could just have him killed.

Colin: I am Colin. God of Sex. I'm just on the wrong continent, that's all.

Mikey, DJ interviewer: What's the best sex you've ever had?
Billy Mack: Britney Spears. No, only kidding, she was rubbish.

Prime Minister: Did you have this kind of problem? Of course you did you saucy minx.

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