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送交者: 讲清真相 2009年02月17日18:27:35 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话
  美国中医专家田小明的资格疑云   作者:王澄   克林顿总统于2000年3月7日设立了“补充和替代医学政策白宫顾问小组” White House commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy, 主任是James S. Gordon, M.D,成员有19人,其中有田小明,田的英 文名是Xiaoming Tian 。 该顾问小组已于2002年3月7日解散the Commission was required to terminate。   官方网址http://govinfo.library.unt.edu/whccamp/index.html (以下简 称白宫顾问网站)   据这个白宫顾问网站介绍说,由于美国民众要求使用非正统医学的办法来促 进健康和治疗疾病的人越来越多,所以,克林顿总统建立了这样一个顾问小组, 小组成立时就确定工作两年(据另一个文章中说)。(不是新华网说的“政府换 届了小组还予以保留”。)   About the Commission   A growing number of Americans are using alternative approaches to health promotion and medical treatment. People are looking to health care providers to treat the whole person, not only illness. Because of public interest in and use of unconventional health care, the President established the White House Commission on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Policy. Executive Order 13147 authorizing the Commission was issued on March 7, 2000.   白宫顾问网站介绍说,这个顾问小组的成员应当是具有双重知识的,既有正 统医学conventional medicine的知识,也有补充和替代医学的知识。   The Commission, which is composed of individuals knowledgeable in both conventional and complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), has been charged with addressing:   这样一个顾问小组的工作内容是:研究补充和替代医学的实践和产品,补充 和替代医学的公众可及性, 与补充和替代医学有关的可靠信息向医务工作者和 大众的传播,补充和替代医学工作者的恰当的执照制度,教育,和训练。   Research on CAM practices and products   Delivery of and public access to CAM services   Dissemination of reliable information on CAM to health care providers and the general public   Appropriate licensing, education, and training of CAM health care practioners   顾问小组的主任是美国的physician。成员要求既通西医又通补充和替代医 学。由于knowledgeable是很强的词,这样,我就对田小明的资格产生了怀疑:   一.田小明什么时候学的西医?   新华网在2008年介绍田小明的时候,说他已经“年逾花甲”,说他20岁的时 候转到北京医科大学学习西医6年。假定田小明2008年是61岁,那么,41年以前 也就是田小明20岁的时候是1967年。因为1966年到1970-71年全中国的全部学校 停课,所以,田小明很可能是1965年入的北京医科大学。不算自己补学的,这些 人入校后只读过一年基础课,这样的人的西医知识是knowledgeable吗?   二.田小明什么时候学的中医?   从未进过中医学院。   三.田小明既没有在中国也没有在美国读过Ph.D.,为什么说自己是Ph.D. Research Fellow?(见下面白宫顾问网站的介绍)   我也做过Research Fellow,我不明白什么是Ph.D. Research Fellow。只要 你在自己的国家有医生执照(学位)或Ph.D.学位都可以做美国国家医学研究课 题的PI (principal investigator课题负责人),因为医学博士(包括中国的医 学学士)都相当于或高于西方的Ph.D. 学位(医生学习的年头比别人长),所以, 这些人毕业后几年全职做研究都可以称作“博士后研究”。但是,没有外国的MD 和Ph.D.的研究人员不可以成为美国医学研究的PI,只能成为普通人员。   作研究,田小明说自己是中国医生就够了,为什么要把自己的博士后研究说 成是Ph.D. research fellow? 在这个白宫顾问网站上,田小明的头衔是M.D., L.Ac,MD是(中国的)医生,L.Ac 是Licensed Acupuncturist 执照针灸师。   四.田小明的科学研究能力。   田小明用NIH(美国国家医学研究院)的钱研究中医药和针灸对关节炎,运 动伤和纤维肌痛症arthritis, sports injuries, and fibromyalgia 的作用。 现代医学对这三种病的治疗比中医药和针灸强得太多。田小明到美国之前,(和 我一样)根本就不知道什么是fibromyalgia。   我们看到的是,国内的中医认为中医药和针灸治疗这三种病是中医里强项的 强项,我敢打赌,如果人人都知道了中医药治不了这三种病,那么中医就会没脸 见人,去下田种地。我今天把Xiaoming Tian打入PubMed,结果是零。我只找到 作者是Tian X的 2005年的一篇文章,因为作者是University of Michigan的, 和华盛顿隔着很远,所以不可能是Xiaoming Tian 或 Tian, XM。(该文章否定 了穴位的作用,所以我把它放在附录里,也让田小明认一认,这是不是他的文 章。)   田小明来美国27年,在NIH鬼混多年,“他已经完成了很多研究课题He has completed many research projects”,竟然没有出过一篇文章,我不知道田小 明在美国拿什么去鼓吹中医药?拿嘴?我也不知道为什么田小明的科研能力这样 糟糕而临床针灸会那样神奇?我还想问一个问题,田小明在美国NIH作研究的时 候到底做没做过PI? 还是一直跟在别人的屁股后面给人跑腿?   结论:田小明没有接受过正规的西医和中医的大学教育,当然不会做研究了。 这种人怎么能叫做knowledgeable?   附录1   白宫顾问网站介绍田小明   Dr. Xiaoming Tian, of Bethesda, Maryland, is Director of the Academy of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and Wildwood Acupuncture Center. Dr. Tian is currently conducting a National Institute of Health (NIH) supported clinical trial with Georgetown University Medical School to treat fibromyalgia patients using acupuncture. He has completed many research projects on the use of Chinese herbal medicine and dietary supplements to treat and prevent arthritis, sports injuries, and fibromyalgia, in collaboration with NIH and the U.S. Department of Agriculture Nutrition Center. In 1991, Dr. Tian was the first person to be appointed a Clinical Consultant of Acupuncture to the NIH medical staff. He is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine at the United States Uniformed Health Service. Dr. Tian is the President of the American Association of Chinese Medicine. He is also the Honorary Director of the China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Vice President of The International Academy of Medical Qigong, both in Beijing, China. He currently serves as an advisor to World Health Organization and Pan-American Health Organization on traditional medicine. Dr. Tian received his Medical Degree from Beijing Medical University and was a Ph.D. Research Fellow at NIH.   Xiaoming Tian, M.D., L.Ac   Director, Wildwood Acupuncture Center   Director, Academy of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine Wildwood Medical Center   10401 Old Georgetown Road, Suites 102/104   Bethesda, Maryland 20814   附录2   Tian X否定针灸穴位的文章摘要:   1: Treatment of fibromyalgia with formula acupuncture: investigation of needle placement, needle stimulation, and treatment frequency.   Harris RE, Tian X, Williams DA, Tian TX, Cupps TR, Petzke F, Groner KH, Biswas P, Gracely RH, Clauw DJ.   J Altern Complement Med. 2005 Aug;11(4):663-71.   文章题目:针灸针的位置,针的刺激,和治疗的次数对纤维肌痛症的作用。 结论是:尽管针灸可以对纤维肌痛症有止痛和症状改善作用,但是穴位准确性和 刺激的改变并不是很重要。   Although needle insertion led to analgesia and improvement in other somatic symptoms, correct needle location and stimulation were not crucial.   Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48106, USA. reharris@med.umich.edu   OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to investigate whether typical acupuncture methods such as needle placement, needle stimulation, and treatment frequency were important factors in fibromyalgia symptom improvement. DESIGN/SETTINGS/SUBJECTS: A single-site, single-blind, randomized trial of 114 participants diagnosed with fibromyalgia for at least 1 year was performed. INTERVENTION: Participants were randomized to one of four treatment groups: (1) T/S needles placed in traditional sites with manual needle stimulation (n = 29): (2) T/0 traditional needle location without stimulation (n = 30); (3) N/S needles inserted in nontraditional locations that were not thought to be acupuncture sites, with stimulation (n = 28); and (4) N/0 nontraditional needle location without stimulation (n = 2 7). All groups received treatment once weekly, followed by twice weekly, and finally three times weekly, for a total of 18 treatments. Each increase in frequency was separated by a 2-week washout period. OUTCOME MEASURES: Pain was assessed by a numerical rating scale, fatigue by the Multi-dimensional Fatigue Inventory, and physical function by the Short Form-36. RESULTS: Overall pain improvement was noted with 25%-35% of subjects having a clinically significant decrease in pain; however this was not dependent upon "correct" needle stimulation (t = 1.03; p = 0.307) or location (t = 0.76; p = 0.450). An overall dose effect of treatment was observed, with three sessions weekly providing more analgesia than sessions once weekly (t = 2.10; p = 0.039). Among treatment responders, improvements in pain, fatigue, and physical function were highly codependent (all p < or = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Although needle insertion led to analgesia and improvement in other somatic symptoms, correct needle location and stimulation were not crucial.
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