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USSR documents proved
送交者: ccplie 2011月12月15日13:34:50 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 蒙古问题到不是毛的问题,老蒋起的头,又公决了。烛之舞 于 2011-12-15 11:14:49

read Mongolia history book and USSR

USSR own claimed "finally 100% resolved it with Mao"
Stalin was surprsied that Mao did not ask Mongolia

(Mao can say we are brothers. so return)

Mongolia told" KMT long time against Mongolia people indep.

even they said YES, they denied again....

With Mao won the war. Mao is a brother of us, the foundation PRC finally

lead our real indep, even so, KMT, US and other west enemies against us

and stop out UN appli

You can also read US dept of States documents.

1949, PRC now fully agreed

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