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送交者: 滿人 2008月07月29日12:12:02 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 用德军战术自由来比喻保守派的自由定义匪连长 于 2008-07-29 12:02:43
见第三帝国内幕(Inside the Third Reich)第304页:

The communication apparatus at headquarters was remarkable for that period. It was possible to communicate directly with all the important theaters of war. But Hitler overestimated the merits of the telephone, radio, and teletype. For thanks to this apparatus the responsible army commanders were robbed of every chance for independent action, in contrast to earlier wars. Hitler was constantly intervening on their sectors of the front. Because of this communications apparatus individual divisions in all the theaters of war could be directed from Hitler's table in the situation room. The more fearful the situation, the greater was the gulf moden technology created between reality and the fantasies with which the man at this table operated.
  can u read english? - 匪连长 07/29/08 (276)
      班排连营级为战术,团师军级为合成战役 - 匪连长 07/29/08 (311)
        开枪开坦克是单兵技术,集团军以上是战略  /无内容 - 匪连长 07/29/08 (216)
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