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送交者: 劉蔚之六年高考 2013年06月21日18:58:38 於 [史地人物] 發送悄悄話


劉蔚         20136

Liu: My Life in China:
Chinese Soccer Lost toThailand
1:5 Shows thatChina
Must Become a Democratic Country

Liu       June  2013


Since the 2000s,
there is global language/foreign language learning trend. In order to serve the
people better, from June 2013, I, Wei Liu, have changed my writings to Chinese
text and English text side by side, with a Chinese paragraph preceding an
English paragraph, convenient for people to learn Chinese and English.


        On June 15, 2013 inHefei,
the National Soccer Team of China surprisingly lost to that ofThailandby
1:5. We Chinese soccer fans have waited you National Soccer Team to become the
top team inAsiaand enter the World Cup since
1980. 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985……2013, 33 years have passed. ExceptAsia, when have you National Soccer Team been? Have you
been to the World Cup inEurope? No. Have you
been to America Continent? No. Have you been toAfrica
for the World Cup? No. Many old soccer fans died in waiting. The 40-year-old
energetic person in 1980 will be 73 in 2013 now. Many people do not live that


        The National Soccer Team of China like
this will be so easy to defeat. Even if you National Team enters the World Cup,
can you survive the group games? No. Can you defeat the irksome team ofItalyin the
eighth-final? No. But we wish you could defeat that irksome, iron-defense
Italian team and enter the top 8 in the World Cup. After that, it will be OK
when you get defeated by the strong American team in the quarter-final. We don’t
expect you to enter the semi-final. Italian Team, AC Milan Team, use the
iron-defense for every game, which always give the result of 0:0 or 1:0 to us
audience. Isn’t such team irksome? The reason that we audience watch the game
is to see the goals. We will feel very disappointed if there is only 1 or 0
goal during a game or match no matter we watch it in the stadium or before TV.
You are the National Team of China. As a Chinese, except you, who should I
expect to defeat the Italian team? Some people ask when? The year of 2014.    


        When you cannot fulfill the mission,
there are other people to do so; when you cannot enter the top 8 of the World
Cup, there are other people to do so. You cannot go to the World Cup of 2014
and will not have the opportunity to meet Italian Team in the eighth final.
Italian Team will still be defeated in the eighth-final and cannot enter the
top 8 of the World Cup of 2014. American Team as mentioned above, will enter
the top 4. Why? Because she’s a democratic country.Japan
andSouth Koreawill also
come to the World Cup of 2014 for they are democratic countries too, in whichJapanorSouth Koreawill enter top 8 of the
World Cup.Americawill
enter the top 4 or the semi-final because the World Cup of 2014 will be held in
in the America Continent. Germany Team can enter the final.


        Though Chinese Soccer Team has lost
many games, it is still better than other sports inChina. Other sports like ping pang,
go, gymnastics are trained inhumanly or demon way, bringing tremendous hurt to
the athletes both physically and mentally. The soccer field being almost 2
acres, is too large to for any demon training of the Communist regime to be effective.
The demon/inhuman training itself is cheating. The National Soccer Team of
China is at least more honest than other sports inChina. It is the best sport inChina. So I
will still watch the games played by you National Soccer Team of China.


        Like other problems inChina, the problem of soccer inChinais becauseChinalacks democracy. The issue of
hiring Camacho as the head coach of the National Soccer Team in 2011 should not
happen in a democratic country. Soccer, as the No. 1 sport in the world, was
born for the democratic country. The National Soccer Team of China’s great loss
toThailandshows thatChinamust
become a democratic country.


        The end of the essay.



                                  劉蔚     2013616日更新

Signature Line of Human Rights Activists/Awakened People/Democratic People/Common

                              Build Up a Fair,
Democratic NewChina, aNew World

Liu              June 16, 2013


InChina, where there are no human
rights, people are thrown by the high Communist officials into the battlefields
one after another. From the 1970s to the 2010s, in the battlefield of the
Entrance Examination to College, we Chinese students study 13 hours a day to
survive that exam and shed many tears, with faint hope to make a living. Less
than 2% of people can make a living on his own. When can 1.3 billion Chinese
people have our own house, our own medical care? When can we Chinese people
free from the 100 degrees heat waves and the pollution? When can we have enough
time for chess, mahjong, classics books and other good things that give
happiness to ourselves and other people? In the 2010s, living inChinaone day
is equal to have a pack of cigarette. The solution is to build up a fair,
democratic new world, including a fair, democratic newChina. Any
human is entitled to the 4 Fundamental Human Rights including the land right,
the welfare right, the decision-making right and the cash right. For the 4 Fundamental
Human Rights, we are willing to have a universal vote and reckon that the pros
will be more than the cons. So we bring them forward in the following.


  1. The Land Right: Every person reaching
         18 years old is entitled to have about    

      half an acre of land given
by God for him/her to live, which let any person   

      build their house and plant
crops for food. The land does not pass down to    

      one’s children when one
dies, but return to the people-elected government    

      for other people to have
who reaching 18 years old later. One person, one  



  1. The Welfare Right: Any
         government that has used the land given by God for people to live has the
         responsibility to give every person the 4 living welfares of housing,
         food, education and medical care, one person, one portion. If one has
         solved it by oneself, then one does not get that kind of welfare from the
         government any more.


  1. The Decision-Making Right:
         All the laws and policies like the tax rate, the government budget, how
         many divisions the armed force should have, how many classes the student
         should have a day, should be all decided by people’s vote, one person, one
         ballot, to decide whether to enact. Don’t talk about socialism,
         capitalism, left or right any more. Mankind should have only one doctrine.
         That is all people decide the law and policy of a country by our universal
         vote. Experience itself cannot talk. The universal vote by people who has
         experience is the only criterion to decide whether an opinion is truth or


  1. The Cash Right: The cash that
         belongs to all people should be divided evenly among all the people, one
         person, one portion. For instance, if one year the people-elected government
         receives the total donation of 260 billion dollars inside and outside
         China for Chinese people, then this amount should be divided evenly among
         the 1.3 billion Chinese people, and every Chinese that year should have
         260/1.3=200 dollars.


realizing the 4 Fundamental Human Rights, every one will be able to solve the 4
material living of housing, food, education and medical care by working or
laboring 1 hour per day on average. And people will no longer be thrown into
the battlefields of the Cultural Revolution, the Entrance Examination to
College, Endless Material Production, in which over 90% of people work 8 hours
per day for 8 life spans and still unable to solve the 4 material living like
housing, and gangsters and prostitutes are everywhere in Communist China.


who oppose us want to or have put all the negative words from the dictionary
upon us human rights activists/awakening people/common people, but they never
like people to have a universal vote upon their opinion or our opinion, and we
always like people to have such vote. Then people can tell who are lying and
who are serving the people honestly. For those who largely agree to our 4 Fundamental
Human Rights, we call each other human rights activist/comrade/awakened
people/common people, which is like the chess friends, the cards friends, the
book reading friends, no need to register. Do not expect to change the
situation of a city, even a country by any action or words from us. If we have
such expectation, we truly cannot do anything in our life. We cannot have
activities of chess, mahjong, human rights, masterpieces, even eating or
sleeping. For instance, even if you have activity with chess for your entire
life, the chess skill of the city you live in is unlikely to enhance a little.
We having these activities is for our own need. Democracy/human rights,
religion/faith, chess, mahjong, masterpieces, go, ping pang, badminton are 8
outstanding activities of mankind. Because they almost do not consume any material/wealth
or pollute the environment or hurt people, and meanwhile they bring happiness
to oneself and other people as well.  


the 1990s, it has been a big misleading for Chinese Communist media to say that
the major significance of human life is for material/wealth. History/people
from past to present in the world do not praise the rich people at all, and
praise those whose life mainly pursue the good spirit like democracy, human
rights and fairness. As mentioned above, in a society with democracy and human
rights, housing and food will not be a problem at all. What we do after meal?
That is the major question for people. If one’s life mainly pursue
material/wealth, then one’s life conclusion will be like this, “This person has
consumed how many square feet of housing, how many tons of pork, how many tons
of rice, how many tons of gasoline in his life, and has never had any words or
action to promote democracy, human rights and fairness.” Does any one want to
lead a life like this? Does any one that truly wants to degrade to the animal
that mainly pursues material, sensory stimulation? Falun Gong believers say
well, “We just want to be a good person.” That’s right, to be a good person.
The 1989 Democracy Movement inChina
is good because it mainly pursues the good spirit of democracy and human
rights, and it does not unify the students to form up some company to make
money. We agree to use blue as the color for democracy and human rights. Making
money or to solve the material problem is only a small part of human life.
People’s major life goal should be for good spirit. How can a society that
seldom sees democracy, human rights and fairness be called a human society?


2013, the future ofChina
will be definitely decided by Chinese people’s desire. People’s will/desire is
the decisive element in any event, which is a truth that has been testified
many times. If most Chinese still think of how to give gifts to the officials
in the holidays, how to become an official, then that just lets the dictator’s
corruptive system continue; if most people are like me, Wei Liu, mainly pursue
the good spirit of democracy, human rights, fairness, then 1.3 billion Chinese
people should already have all the rights we deserve by now, and nobody from
any party doubt it. To become a human rights activists like me does not need
any material/wealth. I’m physically weak and have little money. To become me or
realizing democracy and fairness only needs people’s spirit or idea. As for our
daily life, extra material/wealth does not benefit us at all, and harms us. The
house over 1,000 square feet does not let one sleep better; every day eating in
the restaurant does not make one healthier; cosmetics are more likely to make
one older. Moreover, any material will bring energy consumption and
environmental pollution. One’s physical and mental health mainly relies on one’s
pursuit for good spirit. What kind of life a person wants? That is a
fundamental question for Chinese people, for people in other countries as well.

歡迎各人員,各媒體刊登,轉載我劉蔚的各篇文章。不必有任何顧慮,既然我們相信全國人民對於上述四項基本人權,贊成票會超過反對票,那麼在中國的任何上百萬人的團體,不管它叫什麼黨,什麼派,情況都會是這樣。我更多文章見博. (網址中間是其5個字母的漢語拼音)
translate 網站可以為你朗讀文章。願13億人參與進來,無愧於這個灑滿淚水的時代,廣傳真理,一個人給5個以上人講,告訴贊成的人也照此辦理,讓我們每人每周都有追求民主,人權的言行吧,壯大進步力量,救自己,救別人,救中國。

person, every media are welcomed to publish, to spread my articles. People
shouldn’t have any worry. Since we believe among Chinese people there are more
pros than cons for our 4 Fundamental Human Rights, then any entity having over
1 million people inChina,
no matter what party it is, it will have the same result. More articles of mine
can be seen my blog at “boxun”, my name Wei Liu/劉蔚 is at the bottom of the homepage. Those who like
to listen the books may go to “google translate” to hear it read the words for
you. Wish 1.3 billion Chinese people to participate, same with people in the
world, such that we are not ashamed of the age teemed with our tears. Let us
spread the truth, one person let 5 or more people know, and tell those largely
agree to do the same thing. Let every one of us have some words or action every
week for democracy and human rights, increasing people’s strength, to save
ourselves, our friends and our nation.




Human Rights Activists, Comrade, Awakened
People, Democratic People, Common People

Wei Liu            

Mail: Please keep your letter within
4 pages and no parcel.

Wei Liu

   P. O. Box1967

Bemidji,MN56619  U. S. A.            



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