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送交者: yellow witch 2013年07月14日05:40:13 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话
      一天去一小学四年级教室,为了配合学生学好历史,墙上贴着每位前总统的一个最精点fun fact. 写几个有特色的,大家一起来看一下:
1. George Washington: Teeth were made from elephant and walrus tusks, not wood.
2.Tomas Jefferson: Spoke 6 languages.
3. James Madison: Smallest president, at 5'4" under 100 lbs.
4.Martin Van Buren: First  president born an American citizen. ( all before him were born I n the British colonies )
5. John Tyler: Loved kids had 15 children.
6.Zachary Tyler: Never voted for a president.
7.Abraham Lincoln: Tallest president, First president to be assassinated.
8.Ulysses S. Grant: Was fined $20 for speeding his horse and carriage.
9.Rutherford B. Hayes: First president to use a phone, his phone number was 1.
10. James A. Garfield: Could write with both hands at the same time - in different languages.
11. Chester A. Arthur: Changed his pants several times a day - he owned 80 pairs of pants. 
12. William H. Taft: Heaviest president - 332 pounds.
13.Warren G. Harding: Gambled away a set of White House china.
14. Herbert Hoover: Spoke Chinese to his wife to keep their stories private.
15. Harry S. Truman: Read every book in his hometown library, 
16. Richard M. Nixon: Recommended a play to the Miami Dolphins in Super Bowl VI. 
17. Gerald R. Ford: Held his daughter's High School prom in the White House.
18.George Bush: Survived 4 planes crashes during World War ||.
19. William J. Clinton: Played saxophone on national TV.
20: George W. Bush: Has a collection of over 250 signed baseballs.

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