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Where is the Missing Dollar?
送交者: ultrasound 2005年07月18日15:34:32 於 [靈機一動] 發送悄悄話

Three men go to a motel and rent a room. The deskman charges them $30
for the room. The manager of the motel comes in and says that the
deskman has charged them too much, that it should only be $25.

The manager then goes to the cash drawer and gets five $1.00 bills,
and has the bellboy take the money back to the three men. On his way
up to the room, the bellboy decides to give each of the men only one
dollar apiece back and keep the other two dollars for himself.

Now that each one of the men has received one dollar back this means
that they only paid $9.00 apiece for the room. So three times the
$9.00 is 27.00 plus the $2.00 the bellboy kept comes to $29. Where is
the other dollar?

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