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周末歌劇欣賞:Les Contes d'Hoffmann . Barcarolle
送交者: qmh 2008年02月12日18:33:17 於 [跨國婚姻] 發送悄悄話

Barcarolle 船歌

Music: Offenbach

Lovely night, oh night of love,
smile upon our joys!
Night much sweeter than the day,
oh beautiful night of love!

Time flies by, and carries away
our tender caresses for ever!
Time flies far from this happy
oasis, and does not return.

Burning zephyrs,
embrace us with your caresses!
Burning zephyrs,
give us your kisses!
Your kisses! Your kisses! Ah!

Lovely night, oh night of love,
smile upon our joys!
Night much sweeter than the day,
oh beautiful night of love!
Ah! Smile upon our joys!
Night of love, oh night of love!
Ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah! ah!

sung by Sutherland, Tourangeau.
制帖:qmh 2007.10.19.

標 題 (必選項):
內 容 (選填項):
一周點擊熱帖 更多>>
2007: 抓特務
2007: 情人節前夕的自語(續)
2006: 我家的“阿慶嫂”
2004: 夜的底蘊
2004: 星語心願英雄榜