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The Pope is Puzzled!!
送交者: terminater 2004年09月17日18:54:44 于 [笑林之声] 发送悄悄话

A businessman is getting on a flight when he hears from the other
passenger that the Pope is going to be on the flight.

"WOW, great!" he thinks. "What a good place to be today."

He is boarding, but he doesn't see the Pope, so he figures that maybe the
other passengers were wrong. He takes his seat and is thankful that there
is an empty next to him.

Just before the flight closes, the Pope enters the plane and sits next to
him. I am surely blessed the man thinks. Here I am a good Catholic on a
flight with the Pope sitting next to me.

The plane takes off, and after a few minutes the passengers take off their
seatbelts. The man looks sideways and sees the Pope reaching into his bag
to take out a crossword book. Marvelous, he thinks, not only am I blessed
with the Pope next to me, but he does crosswords and so do I. Maybe he
will ask for help. He notices that the Pope is working his way through the
puzzle, and that the Pope is tapping his pencil, thinking.

The Pope turns to him and says: "I usually don't talk to others on
flights, but I wonder if you can help me?"

"Anything your eminence. What is it?"

"Do you know a four letter word for 'woman' that ends in u-n-t?"

The man feels uncomfortable. He thinks and thinks. Finally he says, "The
only word I can think of is aunt."

The Pope turns to him and asks, "Do you have an eraser?"

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