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Natural History Museum of Maputo(馬普托自然博物館)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月21日20:36:53 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話



【Aiden in English】

        When I was little, I used to love natural history museums. But never in my life had I seen something like this. The Natural History Museum in Maputo, the capital of Mozambique was like none other. 

        The whole first floor was collected by literally a manmade 4-D of a typical African ecosystem. It had the African big five- the lion, leopard, cape buffalo, elephant, and rhino. The 4-D picture had them set around a small pool of water with desert and some little patches of grass. The scene also had giraffes munching on a tree with lush green and plentiful leaves. Warthogs scurried under the legs of the bigger animals as they searched for the shade. A few of leopards chased the warthogs while the rhinos were trying to escape a pride of lions. It fascinated me to see how the artists could capture it all and combined it into a 4-D picture. The detail about how the wild worked was all explained in one exhibition hall. I guess what people say is true. A picture is really worth a thousand, no, even a million words.

        Next, we proceeded to the back, where we saw what this museum was famous for. It had a time line of fetus or an immature elephant that was still in the mother's belly. The process of giving birth to a quarter ton baby began with a tiny ball. Then it got bigger and bigger, and started taking shape! At a month, the fetus, or baby elephant already had the looks of his or her mother. It was white. By the time it reached 11 months, the skin had turned black. Finally, it took another 11 months for birth.

        In America, all of this illustration needed to exhibit real dead animals or specimens to actually be a museum. But in Maputo, everything presented man-made models except the foetal development. However, they both demonstrated the same things. Really, there wasn't a significant difference. As long as I got the message, it would be fine to me.





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