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Tala Private Game Reserve(塔拉私营禁猎区)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月21日20:49:42 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


South Africa_Durban0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        Under the huge yellow sun, the life in Tala Private Game Reserve was remarkable. Everything was moving and had a role in the on-going circle of life. There, 3 of the African Big Five could be seen, which was the black rhino, elephant, and cape buffalo in the wild savannah outside of Durban, South Africa.

        As we drove through, the first animal we saw was a gnu which was sitting in the middle of the road. Its short pointy horns stuck out of the sides of the animal's head while it took its time crossing the road. The next animal we spotted was a black ostrich. It was a male and was dining on a garden of seeds. More animals came out one after the other. The impalas grazed in the tall grass, while Egyptian geese swan through the lagoon, searching for small fish.

        In the mealtime, we noticed some new animals like the Kudus which looked like a deer with long antlers and the Gemsbok, an antelope with a white stripe down the center of its face. However, a Gemsbok had pointy antlers where as a Kudu had curved antlers.

        No matter how good the animals appeared to be, the scenery always better. Endless rolling hills stretched into the distance. On the other side, there was a small pond with a jungle on the horizon. Not a cloud was in the sky and the sun was shining brightly.

        As we went on, the animals began to repeat. Sounders of warthogs flew by and zebras just turned into a black and white blur. Rhino lay down by the lagoon in the sun. Their large horns reflected the light, making it shine and gleam. 

        All the animals seemed like the ones in a zoo. They had no predators because the people kept the lions and leopards away. The animals just stood there without anything to fear. They looked like statues that ate, slept, gave birth, slept, and ate. Sometimes life needs a little danger to really make it interesting.








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