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Cape Town(开普敦)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月21日21:00:05 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


South Africa_Cape Town0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        About a month at sea, the cruise was going well. It was too well. The sky was always cloudless and the sun was always shining brightly, but not today. The day of Cape Town, South Africa was cloudy and foggy. The damp air and the ever blowing winds from the Atlantic Ocean didn't help either.

        We scheduled to ride a cable car up to Table Mountain. But if it was too windy, we would have to do the alternative, which didn't sound so good.

        Table Mountain aka Tavern of the Seas got its name from the flat surface and the similarities to a table. Unfortunately, the Table Mountain National Park was closed due to the wind. The Plan B was to drive up Signal Hill instead. That also sounded a problem for Mom and I because not only that nothing couldn't be seen at the top, but also we had another shore excursion after this trip that took us to the same place for the sunset.

        Just as I thought, we couldn't see a single thing at the top of Single Hill. So we went to Plan C and drove halfway down Signal Hill and parked on the side the road (talk about a lot of bad ideas). The view there wasn't nearly as good as the one from Table Mountain, but in this case, all you could see from Table Mountain were nothing but clouds at the moment. I guess no matter how advanced humans are, and Mother Nature is what decides weather in the end.






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