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Chobe NP(乔贝国家公园)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月22日06:44:04 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


Botswana_Chobe NP0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        The first night of sleep in Chobe Marina Lodge, Botswana after a 30-day cruise made me feel like landing and sleeping on the moon, which seemed really hard. When it was time for the boat cruise down the Chobe River in Chobe National Park between Botswana and Namibia, I still had black spots under my eyes.

        This afternoon, the 3-hour boat cruise was for wildlife. As soon as the cruise began, we immediately spotted a pod of hippos in the water. Once in a while, they would come up for air. Occasionally, the hippos exposed more of their bodies. They behaved so unpredictable that they would come out when we least expected it. One time, the hippo even jumped stretching his neck high into the air. Only a handful of people on board could capture the moment, while only a few had a good one. Mom became one of them.

        As we went on, we saw more and more hippos, but none of them really exposed themselves until the end. When everyone was all tired and bored, a hippo decided to put on a show and mark his territory in front of the crowd. It climbed out of the water onto an islet and began spraying a brown smelly gooey, but also a remarkably lot of poop. The goo flew all over the land. So whenever another hippo came by and wanted to grace on this land, it not only knew the land had already been claimed, but also got some goo on its feet.

        Nature has its own way of things. No matter whether it's eating or scent-marking (especially scent-marking), it's always different. We may never understand the hippos. However, it's so much fun to see what Nature has in store for them.






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