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Animals in Chobe NP(野生動物獵游)
送交者: 天邊的紅霞 2020年03月22日06:56:54 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


Botswana_Chobe NP0001.JPG

【Aiden in English】

        I always loved animals. At the zoo, I would spend hours looking at the large animals. But when I meant love, I didn't mean waking-up-at-the-crack-of-dawn-love. Even so, that's exactly what we did. It started with a short ride on the highway to Chobe National Park, the first park established in Botswana covered with dry savannah, floodplains, and teak woodlands that became ideal animal habitats.

        I embarked on another morning game drive to the park as early as 5 am. It seemed to be an ideal and a crucial time to view wildlife, as it was cooler and the animals were more active. While there was no telling what we would observe, the reserve was home to countless animals, including the largest concentration of elephants on the African continent. Chobe was also home to 2 antelopes that weren't encountered anywhere else in Botswana, the puku and the Chobe bushbuck.

        The first animal of a giraffe came in sight. It had black spots, and was really pale. That meant it was a young offspring. Next, our safari vehicle stopped to see a parade of elephants with calves. Everyone was so excited because yesterday only the elephant’s tracks and dung could be seen when we came to search for them in the morning game drive at the same place. The people were so hyper that one gentleman even dropped his battery off his camera. That's when the huge beast noticed us. He began walking towards us and came so close that we could smell his breath. If someone needed a mint, it was him.

        We continued on and something strange hit us. There was little impala today. Yesterday, you couldn't turn the corner without stopping for the impalas. However, today was extremely silent from then. The question was solved when we drove by the Chobe River. The lush green bank was covered with a herd of impalas. Hundreds, even thousands were gathered along with a grazing congress of baboons. The baboons advanced in their sensitive hearing and incredible agility, which helped the impalas stay away from any vicious predators.

        I am pondering how Chobe National Park has such lavish vegetation to nurture abundant animals survived from the brutally hot Africa. Is Nature a mystery for life? The world may never know.







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