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Descriptive: Eragon @ School Day(记小说人物一天学校生活)
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年03月22日07:26:52 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话


        宾州学校评估体系(Pennsylvania System of School Assessment, PSSA)是全州公立学校范围内一种标准化管理考试,自小学三年级开始到初中八年级为止,除了评估阅读理解和数学运用之外,五、八年级考试附设写作技巧﹔四、八年级考试加考自然科学,包括数据文字解释和逻辑分析。各学校依照考试成绩按序排名,连续三年不合格的学校将被州政府取消教育资助。因此,宾州学校评估体系最终考核的是老师教学质量,学校领导十分重视自己的名誉。



Descriptive: Eragon @ School for A Day

        It was another one of those regular days of a regular school in a regular town. Nothing at school ever was amazing (except drenching the principal with water balloons, now that was funny), that is until today.

        I was just about to finish my narrative on my favorite character from the book of Eragon when all the sudden a flash of light and heat illuminated the classroom. Essays flew everywhere, and just as quick as it started, the light vanished. In its place, there sat the one and only Eragon. Immediately everyone backed away, but I stood there, wide eyed. He was just as I pictured in the book. He had dark hair and ocean blue eyes. At side hung something that not even the most valuable jewels could even compare to, was the sword Brisingr.

        Mr. Holloran was the first to break the seemingly ever-lasting silence. "How did you get here, and who are you?" he stammered. Eragon calmly answered: "I think your friend here can tell you,” pointing a finger at me. I began telling Mr. Holloran and the class about Alagaesia and Eragon's story. When I finished, I was 23 gaping mouths and wide-open eyes.

        The class then started to shoot questions at Eragon. "What age did you become a Dragon Rider?" "Are you really a hundred years old?" "What kind of car do you have?" (obviously Aaron asked that). Then all of the sudden, the class and Eragon heard a flapping sound, like the beating of wings. I looked out the window to see a huge thing flying at us. It was a dragon. The dragon had mid-night black scales, and was easily the size of the room. Without warning, the dragon blew fire into the room.

        I would've easily been barbequed if it weren't for Eragon who used magic to shield us. Then, the dragon came back around and smacked Eragon into a wall. A moment later, Eragon uttered an ancient word, the trigger word for magic. Suddenly, the dragon was engulfed in flames and disappeared.

        I looked to see where Eragon was, but he had disappeared too. I guess it was back to a regular day, in a regular, of a regular town.








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