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brand-new science field is coming by RuoQian Kang
送交者: 尊重正義 2024年04月28日10:08:33 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

Dear Dr.Qin,

    I email my report article published on Creader.net that is related to my new theory--"Human Evolution of Positive Will", which reveals that the essence of our human evolution and development is the thought energy of the brain nervous system. I hope that you could read my report articles on the website https://blog.creaders.net/u/33164/and could agree with my ideas that the brand-new science field is coming, due to the reality that big changes have taken place for the past over thirties of electrometric waves AI brain-nerve control attacking our human's brain nerve system. 

   I still remember that Dr.Qin  gave me some many valuable advices about my academic interest that is related  to the human brain nerve system when I studied at Michigan University as your graduate student.I feel really lucky to have you as my professor. I appreciate your valuable advice and kind consideration. I hope that you could give me some advice for my new theory. Thank you so much!

Looking forward to hearing from you!



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