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"Malnutrition in America" ZT
送交者: alexwt 2008月09月11日18:52:37 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Thank you. This is Americafito 于 2008-09-11 18:45:46
Malnutrition in America

It may be hard to believe, but the city of Los Angeles- in all it's prosperity and abundance- is the hunger capital of the United States. What that means is that more people go hungry, or have to struggle to put food on the table in Los Angeles than anywhere else in the country. That does not include the starving models and actresses who deny themselves food to stay at a size 2. That does include the 580,000 people- mainly children and the elderly- who cannot afford to eat, and therefore go hungry. It's sad to think that this still goes on today in our prosperous nation, but it's true, and the implications of this problem go far beyond the hunger pains of a malnourished child.


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