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Be strong and tough.
送交者: Cindy2 2008月06月29日09:20:47 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 一次病痛的磨难--在加国生病时的无奈人要坚强 于 2008-06-28 19:20:00
You need to be strong to survive. Do not go back china

You need to be tough to the doctors and nurse. Since you are a doctor in China. You know what you need. Keeps requiring what you need and do not let the nurse and doctors get away easily. You can tell them that you are going to take legal action against them if they continue neglect you.

I have many bad experience in USA, but not as bad as yours.
  thanks for your advice..I would... /无内容 - 人要坚强 06/30/08 (165)
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