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2 cents about math and arts
送交者: rednose 2009月02月04日05:36:04 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 无墨:小谈数学与绘画无墨 于 2009-02-03 09:17:27
Abstract Math is of arts, and only people who understand it can enjoy its beauty. It is a combination of logics, philosophy, construction, and imagination. A few of people in the world are involved in this area, since it is going to construct the foundation of the math building.
Abstract arts, which covers freedom, philosophy, construction, and imagination. Similarly, only people who understand it can enjoy its beauty. Perhaps, the abstract arts are rooted from science and technology. Does it try to construt the foundation for arts?

They use their own languages to describe the worlds, respectively, which they belong to.
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