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Japan eyes on Kuril Islands
送交者: FVCK 2022月03月09日05:29:26 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Japan supports UkraineFVCK 于 2022-03-09 05:26:52

The Russian invasion of Ukraine reminded the world about other disputes along the border of the Russian federation. One of them might be beginning to become a little bit sharper, because on March 7th 2022 Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida announced that his country is declaring that the southern Kurils is Japan’s sovereign territory. Why are these islands so important to Russia and Japan?

Kuril Islands and Geopolitics

Kuril Islands dispute has deep roots in history. These tiny islands just north of Japan have been Japanese for centuries. However, at the end of the Second World War, Soviet Union annexed them. Japan had to surrender its ambitions to retake those islands when the 1951 San Francisco treaty was signed.

However, at that time Japan didn’t consider 4 main islands – Iturup, Kunashir, Shikotan and Habomai Islands – as part of Kurils. Furthermore, Japanese delegates believed that this particular dispute should be resolved between Japan and the Soviet Union and not between Japan and the United States.

However, the Soviet Union and Japan never signed a formal peace treaty. A declaration was signed in 1956, but the Kuril Islands remained an obstacle for the treaty. The Soviet Union suggested Japan take two smaller southern islands (Shikotan and Habomai), but Japan declined this offer.

And so this dispute was smouldering ever since with small escalations here and there. In the 21st century Russia began strengthening its military presence in the largest islands, including putting surface-air missile systems there. Japan hasn’t given up on its claims and is not planning to back down. Despite numerous attempts to establish talks and end this question for generations, no agreement is in foresight.

What are Japan’s Plans for Kuril Islands?

The simple fact of the matter is that Japan wants the southern Kuril Islands, because it considers them part of its sovereignty, history and culture. Population in these disputed islands is estimated to be just around 20 thousand and there are no natural resources or other highly praised valuables, such as oil or natural gas. In fact, the economy in these islands is mostly formed around fishing.

However, for Russia Kuril Islands, especially the northern Iturup and Kunashir, are of strategic importance. The straight between these two islands doesn’t freeze in winter time and provides a passage to the Pacific Ocean for Russian military ships and submarines based in Vladivostok.

It is important to note that the words of the Prime Minister of Japan are not legally binding. And it is not the first time when Japan claims the sovereignty of these islands. Military escalation over this matter is highly unlikely, but it also doesn’t seem like this territory dispute will be solved any time soon. And as the Russian invasion in Ukraine is still ongoing, Japan might use this opportunity to remind Russia and the world that the eastern border of the largest country in the world is not that tidy either.

    日本无脑,难到你认为中华也无脑吗?匹夫之勇!  /无内容 - 鲁迅九 03/09/22 (50)
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