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送交者: 纽约大被窝 2022月07月18日23:32:22 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话
回  答: Verify news纽约大被窝 于 2022-07-18 23:30:25

The Economy and Markets

7/18  Humiliated Goldman Sachs quietly lost $2.6 billion investing in stocks – ZH
7/18  Nomura warns hopes for return to CB ‘goldilocks’ regime are “greatly overstated” – ZH
7/18  Apple plunge drags down market after reports of hiring slowdown – Zero Hedge
7/18  Recession may already be here – Daniel Lacalle
7/18  Goldman Sachs crushes analysts’ expectations on strong bond results – CNBC
7/18  Bank of America revenue tops expectations due to higher interest rates – CNBC
7/18  Massive Wall Street layoffs feared as banking profits tank – NY Post
7/18  Delta buys 100 max planes in first big Boeing order in over a decade – CNBC
7/17  Danielle DiMartino Booth’s greatest concern for the economy – Market Sanity
7/17  IMF to cut global growth outlook ‘substantially’ at next review – Yahoo!
7/17  Unstoppable dollar risks worsening $71 billion Asia stock exodus – Yahoo!
7/17  New vehicle inventory stuck near record low – Wolf Street
7/17  EMA GARP Fund – Q2 2022 report.pdf – Google
7/17  Empire State Manufacturing Survey collapses to levels last seen in GFC – MS
7/17  Bank of America predicts 4 straight quarters of negative real GDP growth – IW

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