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送交者: pifu01 2020年09月18日12:12:37 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話

List of Websites and Apps Blocked in China for 2020

What websites are blocked in China in 2020 (Updated September) This is a question that gets asked a lot, particularly among people who are planning to travel or move to China. It helps knowing what to expect, which is why I’d like to give you a comprehensive (and constantly updated) list of blocked websites in China.

List of blocked websites in China in 2020

Starting in the late 1990s, China began monitoring and censoring the internet within its borders. That first decade of internet censorship flew mostly under the radar.

Everything changed in 2009.

For a number of different reasons, and due to a number of different incidents, the Chinese government began to feel threatened by the free access to information for its citizens, particularly with western social media platforms.

–> I used to have a Blogspot blog in China. <what?>

–> Email was sent freely through Gmail in China. <gasp!>

–> I even read the Wall Street Journal in China. <the horror!>

Not anymore.

In order to do any of these things, I am now forced to use a VPN (in my experience, ExpressVPN has been consistently reliable in China as has NordVPN).

So as you plan your travels, your move or a business trip to China, it’s good to have an understanding of the blocked websites in China as well as the blocked apps in China.

Below, I’d like to walk you through the list, followed by my personal tips from having survived and done business in China all these years.

Unblock websites while traveling in China

Note: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links, which means that at no extra cost to you, I may be compensated if you choose to use the services listed. I only recommend what I personally use and hope this free information has been useful!

List of Blocked Websites and Apps in China 2020

In this list of blocked websites in China, you’ll see that I’ve categorized each based on the type of website or app.

Hopefully this will make it easier to scan and understand.


If you plan to do business, you need to understand which of your most used productivity tools are blocked in China.

  • Gmail

  • Dropbox

  • Google Apps (Drive, Docs, Calendar, Maps etc.)

  • Microsoft OneDrive

  • Slack

  • Google Play (i.e. no downloading Android apps)

  • Hootsuite


Most of the major English-language social media sites have been blocked in China and new ones are added to the list each year.

  • Facebook

  • Instagram

  • Twitter

  • Snapchat

  • Pinterest

  • Quora

  • Tumblr

  • Reddit

  • AO3


Whether you want to stream content or upload videos to YouTube in China, you’ll find these streaming sites inaccessible.

  • YouTube

  • DailyMotion

  • Vimeo

  • Twitch

  • Periscope

  • Pandora

  • Spotify

  • Soundcloud


At this point, most western-based news media has been blocked. I will only name a few of the biggest players here.

  • New York Times

  • BBC

  • Financial Times

  • Wall Street Journal

  • Reuters

  • CNN

  • TIME

Whether searching via text or voice, you’re going to have trouble with these search engines in China.

  • Google (text and voice)

  • Amazon (Alexa)

  • Wikipedia

  • Yahoo

  • DuckDuckGo

*Note* – You can use Bing in China, but the results within China are censored.


Unless you’re willing to start using China’s version of WhatsApp, you’re going to need a good VPN for China to use these apps.

  • WhatsApp

  • Facebook Messenger

  • Telegram

  • Line

  • Signal

  • KaKao Talk (Korean)

  微信公然違反美國法律,應在美國徹底禁掉。  /無內容 - 牛楽 09/18/20 (92)
      不用感激啦,對等,對等就好嘛.既然要感激共匪就別跳腳哈  /無內容 - 牛楽 09/18/20 (48)
        魯九轉告共匪這是在替它辯護,讓共匪別再跳腳廖  /無內容 - 牛楽 09/18/20 (49)
          共黨請注意,你的敵人牛樂在為你辯護,共黨,你這麼有魅力嗎?  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (50)
          周漢奸爬牆偷看弟媳上洗照上個黃網還是滿留地。  /無內容 - 胡魯 09/18/20 (67)
            你就是祥林嫂的原型  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (46)
      農蠢人,農整天爬地溝翻牆都習慣試而不見。  /無內容 - 胡魯 09/18/20 (63)
        看你沒見過世面的樣子,你最有可能是翻牆扒眼的。 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (37)
          農蠢人,人家發明互聯網,農修金盾長城圈養豬圈。  /無內容 - 胡魯 09/18/20 (60)
            把抖音趕出去是一個道理,這回,習近平會更理直氣壯了。  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (45)
    對。封賬號,禁言論。早就違反美國相關法律了。  /無內容 - 對對眼 09/18/20 (62)
      你一個反對言論自由的人卻在此喊民主自由,停止你的欺騙!  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (62)
        共匪,農沒有言論自由。  /無內容 - 胡魯 09/18/20 (77)
          哈哈,美國也封微信,給你“言論自由”。  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (68)
            農蠢人,美國人那有那工夫,就是斷農錢路。  /無內容 - 胡魯 09/18/20 (56)
              你真缺錢了,你太可憐。你還能吃飽飯嗎?  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (52)
                農蠢人,農那清那國就是缺資源,沒油,沒鐵,還沒糧  /無內容 - 胡魯 09/18/20 (57)
                  哈哈,別愁,有錢能使鬼推磨,這就目前中華的能量。  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (49)
        不要退五十步笑百步  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (44)
          禁地好,禁地秒,禁地共匪跳腳叫.哈哈  /無內容 - 牛楽 09/18/20 (75)
            你什麼病又犯了?  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (47)
          這極左思維又來了,偷不是偷,是竊。  /無內容 - 魯迅九 09/18/20 (62)
            你微信被美國封了? 啥時候的事兒?  /無內容 - 牛楽 09/18/20 (53)
  轉那些抗議封微信的同學學習  /無內容 - 福祿 09/18/20 (60)
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