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科薩人黑幫歷史 1
送交者: 明君女皇 2022年03月11日20:33:10 於 [五 味 齋] 發送悄悄話


這些可薩人到底是誰?或者還有 Khasars 或 Khasars——這似乎是一個見仁見智的問題。好:好問題!這個人和他們的國家最迷人的特徵之一是幾乎沒有人聽說過他們!然而,可薩帝國在當時是一個真正的大國。它是由 7 世紀散布在黑海和裏海之間的突厥人成員建立的。由於當時很普遍,可薩人的騎兵最初來自更遠的東方。我們從當時讓歐洲保持警覺的其他馬術民族那裡知道這一點。孩子們學習騎馬和射箭的夏令營似乎在當時的中亞非常流行。

可薩人可能屬於 Göktürks 的部落聯盟,該聯盟在整個中亞行使了影響力。然而,在 7 世紀,這個帝國解體了,在它的西部只有可薩人的領地和他們以前的盟友保加利亞人最終仍然存在。那時,保加利亞人還是突厥人,後來才傳播到現在的保加利亞。順便說一句,可薩人並非完全不參與保加利亞人隨後向西遷移的事實。通過趕走他們的老夥伴,他們鞏固了在北高加索的統治地位,並開始控制那裡的貿易。這筆交易並非微不足道。畢竟絲綢之路的部分路途經過該地區,拜占庭帝國在此有其貿易利益,而南方則坐落着新興的阿拉伯人,又一個重要的經濟強國。

在新成立的可薩人在戰爭中擊敗了前進的倭馬亞伊斯蘭帝國之後,從 8 世紀開始就沒有辦法繞過它。可薩人位於一個具有重要戰略意義的支點,對所有貨物流動徵收強大的關稅,並且剛剛證明了他們的軍事實力。他們以此為契機進一步擴張,並在黑海北部、克里米亞和最遠的鹹海建立了自己的基地。可薩部落聯盟因此在一個世紀內成為一個偉大的帝國。

然而,整件事並沒有持續多久。即使南方的第一個敵人倭馬亞人能夠被擊退,更強大的阿拔斯王朝的伊斯蘭帝國很快就會在那裡崛起並開始引發新的問題。拜占庭也越來越批評可薩人的影響,而北方的維京人也來了!很快他們就被稱為基輔羅斯,但維京人聽起來更令人印象深刻。與此同時,可薩帝國的影響力越來越大。它的部分附屬國(例如匈牙利人)被遺棄,直到基輔羅斯最終在 10 世紀末將可薩人夷為平地。




可薩帝國於 1016 年被粉碎,皈依的可薩人最終成為東歐的猶太人。


Who are the Khazars?

But who were these Khazars anyway? Or also the Khasars or Khazars – that seems to be a matter of opinion. Well: Good question! One of the most fascinating features of this people and their state is that hardly anyone has ever heard of them! Yet the Khazar Empire was a real great power of its time. It was founded by members of a Turkic people who spread between the Black and Caspian Seas in the 7th century. As it was common at that time, the horsemen of the Khazars originally came from further east. We know this from other equestrian peoples who kept Europe on its toes at that time. Summer camps where children learned to ride and shoot a bow seem to have been very much in vogue in Central Asia at that time.

The Khazars probably belonged to the tribal confederation of the Göktürks, which exercised its influence throughout Central Asia. In the 7th century, however, this empire broke up and in its west only the Khazar dominions and their former allies, the Bulgarians, remained in the end. At that time, the Bulgarians were still a Turkic people and only later spread to what is now Bulgaria. By the way, the Khazars were not completely uninvolved in the fact that the Bulgarians then migrated further west. By driving out their old partners, they secured their dominance in the North Caucasus and began to control the trade there. And this trade was not at all insignificant. After all, parts of the Silk Road passed by the region, the Byzantine Empire had its trading interests there, and in the south sat the emerging Arabs, another important economic power.

After the newly founded state of the Khazars defeated the advancing Islamic empire of the Umayyads in the war, there was no way around it from the 8th century. The Khazars sat at a strategically important pivot point, collected powerful customs duties on all flows of goods and had just proved their military might. They took this as an opportunity to expand a little further and established themselves on the northern Black Sea, the Crimea and as far as the Aral Sea. The Khazar tribal confederation thus became a great empire within a century.

Nevertheless, the whole thing was not to last long. Even if the first enemies in the south, the Umayyads, could be fended off, the even more powerful Islamic empire of the Abbasids soon arose there and began to cause new problems. Byzantium was also increasingly critical of the influence of the Khazars, and in the north the Vikings arrived! Soon they were known as the Kievan Rus, but Vikings just sounds so much more impressive. Meanwhile, the Khazar Empire was losing more and more influence. Parts of its tributary subjects deserted (for example the Hungarians), until the Kievan Rus finally razed the Khazars to the ground at the end of the 10th century.

The citizens of the neighboring countries, especially Russia, had complained to their leaders for so many years that they, as a group, sent an ultimatum to the Khazarian king. They sent an official proclamation to the Khazarian king, according to which he had to choose one of the three Abrahamic religions for his people and declare it the official state religion, which all Khazars and Khazarian children had to internalize and practice.

The Khazars had a choice between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. The Khazar King Bulan chose Judaism and promised to fulfill the conditions of the surrounding nations confederated under the leadership of the Russian tzar. Despite this pledge and promise, the Khazarian King and the inner circle of oligarchs have continued the use of Babylonian black magic, also known as Secret Satanism. This Secret Satanism has included secret ceremonies that have also been characterized by the sacrifice of children, drinking their blood and eating their hearts after they have been “bled dry”.

The deep secret of these occult ceremonies was that they were all based on the ancient Baal worship, also known as the worship of the owl. In order to deceive the Russian-led confederation of nations that observed Khazaria, the Khazarian king merged these Luciferian black magic practices with Judaism and created a secret hybrid religion known as the Babylonian Talmud. This became the state religion of Khazaria and cultivated the same evil that Khazaria had been known for before.

The Khazar empire was crushed in 1016 and the converted Khazars ended up as Jews in Eastern Europe.

To be continued!

  科薩人黑幫歷史 II - 明君女皇 03/11/22 (174)
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