Marseille Minutes, France(法国马赛─随感杂谈) |
送交者: 天边的红霞 2020年07月18日09:04:15 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话 |
2018-07-21 【Aiden in English】 Wow, the Mediterranean Romance is actually almost over. I haven't really been counting the days, but sometimes time flies faster than even you can expect. There's something psychological about the perception of time after crossing over the halfway point, and now I'm racing towards the finish line. My flight home is in sixty-eight hours. But let's not get shaken by the impending doom. I'm still hoping to go out with a bang. That includes two powerhouse stops in Marseille and Barcelona, today being the first of the two. And not going to lie, based on previews, these two highlights look REALLY similar, even though one is French and the other Spanish. Two coastal cities, winding streets were full of religious and historical-rich attractions around every bend. The real difference only appears at a closer look, like the language and food. So, what is so special about French culture? Well, it starts with the language. Not going to lie, I'm not the biggest fan of French. People say it's a beautiful language, but sometimes it sounds like some folks speaking as if they're trying out their tongue for the first time. However, it's undeniable that the sound of a bunch of French speakers yelling at each other is fun to listen to. Next is the food. It's undeniable that French food is among the best in the world. Bouillabaisse and Pieds et paquets, what else do I have to say? The city itself, in its tiny cobblestone streets, had an abundant amount of bakeries, selling everything from Navettes to Pastis. That's why we had lunch in a local store. The smells wafting out of the kitchens were too enticing. I guess the most impressive of all would be the unique views. There isn't a much more perfect bayside than Marseille. No beach, no Boardwalk, just the city and the water meeting, with the occasional army of boats. The best way to describe it would be a giant war between colors. Red and blue, clashing along the coast. Red roofed buildings, blue crystal water, not much more contrast in a city than that. Cities like it make me wish I wasn't on a cruise. Not only do they deserve a week, but tours don't serve them justice. You need a couple of days just to walk around the city, explore the nooks and crannies, just like I did in Rome. I guess this is another thing to add to my bucket list. 【红霞译文】 哎呦,地中海浪漫之旅真地快要结束了,我倒没掐算过日子,但“年怕中秋月怕半,星期就怕礼拜三”,时间有时比想象快得多,一旦指针跨越中轴线,心理往往有种紧迫感,现在的我正朝着终点线冲刺。 再有68小时我便打道回府。 但何苦为即将面对的无奈而感到沮丧,好戏还在后头呢,接下来要向包括马赛和巴塞罗那在内的旅游胜地迈进,今个儿先去其中一个。坦率地说,根据预览信息,双方主要景点似乎大同小异,尽管一个在法国而另一个在西班牙。两座海滨名城山回路转曲径通幽,宗教影响与悠久历史渗透到各个角落,只有近距离接触方才发现彼此之间在语言食品方面截然有别。 归根结底,法国究竟有何拿手的东西?还得从语言开始,说句心里话,我对法语并不感冒,大家公认它优雅悦耳,但有时怎么反倒觉得讲法语的人像初次卷着大舌头似的,然而当一帮法国人相互争吵时,语调果真好听。 其次食物,法国餐饮在世界上名列前茅已是不争的事实,马赛本土的普罗旺斯鱼汤和羊蹄羊肚卷不是有口皆碑吗?城区上下,鹅卵石铺就的街头巷尾点心铺一家挨着一家,从船形橙花饼干到法式茴香酒,兜售的玩意简直五花八门,这也是为什么我们要拿当地风味小吃打点今天的午餐,从厨房散发出来的香味令人垂涎欲滴。 依我看,独特的景致恐怕最难以忘怀,打着灯笼满世界都难找到比马赛更加完美的海湾,没有沙滩,未设栈桥,海水与城市相依相拥,星罗棋布的船只若隐若现,用竞相斗艳来描述美轮美奂的场景实不为过,海岸线上红蓝交织,红彤彤瓦顶蓝莹莹海水,两种色彩浑然天成。 浏览马赛之类的城市当该别乘游轮来去匆匆,若不花上一周时间你没法得出公正结论,光是在城里四处边走边瞧就需要几天工夫,如同罗马假日我所经历的那样,看来马赛应该纳入本人出游计划之中。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Two Summer Camps(两种夏令营) 2013: 水上派对(Pool Party @ Maplewood) 2012: Camp Report(夏令营简讯) Crosslinks(相关博文): |
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