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送交者: 福禄 2018年02月21日07:03:42 于 [五 味 斋] 发送悄悄话

by Myles Udland

America’s small- and mid-sized business owners are super bullish on the U.S. economy.

According to JP Morgan’s annual business leaders outlook survey released Wednesday, 89% of mid-sized businesses and 63% of small businesses are optimistic about the U.S. economy.

Small business optimism is the same compared to last year while mid-size business optimism is up nine points from a year ago. The firm defines medium-sized businesses as those with $20-$500 million in annual revenue; small businesses are those with $100,000-$20 million in annual revenue.

JP Morgan’s report is yet another example of soaring optimism from U.S. small businesses, one of the strongest economic trends we’ve seen since President Donald Trump was elected in November 2016.

“This trending positivity is confirmation that something real is happening in the economy,” said Jim Glassman, senior economist at JPMorgan Chase. “Business optimism translates to business activity, which is why we’re seeing increased expectations across the board.”

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